The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible?


Tatyana Krygina built a house for his family of four. It will fulfill the function of temporary housing for the construction period of the main house, and then it will be a guest house.

About how construction and repair passed, the designer told Inmyroom.

Search and building a house

The project was found on the Internet, a little changed to it, increasing the useful area almost twice.

We were looking for a plot with a ready-made home for two years, but did not find anything. The restrictions were in the budget, the search radius, the square of the house itself and the area of ​​the plot. Therefore, we decided to build themselves.

The project was found on the Internet, a little changed to it, increasing the useful area almost twice. It happened due to space under the roof. Sheed the roof directly under the roof along the rafters with the heatball insulation. Made the ceiling in the bedroom and the steam room, he became the floor in the attic.

There was a lot of air in the house due to the fact that we did not overlap completely the second floor, leaving the transitional balcony over the kitchen. The second light was formed. The bathroom on the project was on the site of the bedroom. I transferred it to the boiler room, freeing the place for life.

The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_1

Walls and partitions: timing segment 200 × 200 mm, brick, drywall. Performs: Board Metal tile.okna: Metal-plastic with lamination Veka. Summer: Wooden.DVER: Massive. Ful: Sex board.

The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_2
The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_3
The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_4
Furniture and decor

Vintage frames with large canvas Mirrors launch light and history into the house.

Furniture objects - Vintage, partially repainted, modified, adapted to the existing space. In the shelves - Retroodoska, carved elements and forging - from local masters.

You can walk around the house, as a museum, looking at the details. Each thing is not random. Ropes in the lamps are dictated by packles in the walls, echoes with the design of the mirror. Vintage frames with large canvas Mirrors launch light and history into the house. All the pictures are written by the hand of the Son, and the furniture is carefully restored and reorganized by me.

The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_5
The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_6
The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_7
The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_8
The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_9
The designer turned a typical project to a cozy house with a bath. How is this possible? 20934_10

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