Why does Poinsettia dumps the leaves? What to do in this situation?

Why does Poinsettia dumps the leaves? What to do in this situation? 20931_1

The Christmas star, as else, is called Puansettia, with their amazing colors will decorate any housing for the New Year's Eve and during the winter holidays. However, there are situations where the Mexican guest begins to root, lose the leaves and fade before the start of flowering. Why is it going on how to avoid problems and how to help the flower, told in this article.

Why does the flower fall foliage?

Why does Poinsettia dumps the leaves? What to do in this situation? 20931_2

The loss of Puansettia leaves can be caused by different reasons. Depending on when this process takes place and what features is accompanied, it is possible to determine whether it is natural or caused by the disease or improper flower care.

Natural process

When the plant is kept in favorable conditions, foliage is associated with the onset of rest period, which begins immediately after flowering.


. Natural dropping of leaves from Poansettia is at the end of February or in the first half of March.

If the process of feeding foliage began at the end of flowering, it is quite normal and is not a disease. In such a situation it is necessary:

  1. Crop flower stem half;
  2. Place the container with the plant in the cool and weakly lit place for a month and a half (until mid-April);
  3. ensure that the air temperature in the room fell below 10 ° C;
  4. in time to moisturize the soil, not allowing the drying of the earth coma;
  5. In early May, when the growing season occurs, transplant the plant into a new container;
  6. rearrange in a warm and well-lit place;
  7. Provide a flower intense watering;
  8. Regularly feed.

When a young sprout will release a young sprout after the finishing of the Puance rest period, it is necessary to leave only 4-5 the strongest of them.

In October
Why does Poinsettia dumps the leaves? What to do in this situation? 20931_3

If the plant reads a foliage in aptural time - in October, November or in December, - this indicates that:

  • The flower is contained in conditions inappropriate for it;
  • It is not ensured by the right care.

The reasons that cause the dedication of Poinsettia leaves during this period may be:

  1. Insufficient either excessive moistening of the earth coma. Excess watering can lead to the reinforcement of the roots and the death of the plant.
  2. Sharp temperature difference.
  3. Too dry air.
  4. Lack of lighting.
  5. The presence of drafts.
  6. Lack of ventilation.
  7. Lack of feeding.
Other reasons
Why does Poinsettia dumps the leaves? What to do in this situation? 20931_4

There are also other reasons why Puansettia can start reset leaves and even perish:

  • Freezing during transportation, as a result of which the plant first falls foliage, and then die roots, leads to its inevitable death. Even a short-term stay of a flower in the frost can lead to severe consequences.
  • The reason for the fallout of leaves and bracts can be the ethylene highlighted by it, which has a negative effect on the plant during its long stay in the package. Similarly, poinsettia can react to any air pollution.
  • Fungal diseases:
  • Loading insect pests:


The dryness of air indoors can provoke the appearance of pests on Poinsettia.

What to do?

Why does Poinsettia dumps the leaves? What to do in this situation? 20931_5

To prevent untimely dropping foliage, it is necessary:

  1. Contain the flower during the activity period in moderately warm and the most brightly lit room. The optimal temperature in winter is + 10 ... + 16 ° C, and in the summer period - + 17 ... + 25 ° C.
  2. Take care of drafts and sharp temperatures.
  3. Periodically ventilated the room.
  4. Follow the state of the soil and moderately water.
  5. Conduct regular feeding and spraying.
  6. Provide sufficient air humidity.
  7. During flowering, avoid air temperature drops below +16 ° C.


. When falling down the foliage caused by the disadvantage of moisture, the flower can be resolved quickly, adjusting the correct irrigation mode.

If the plant was on a draft or exposed to low temperatures, follows:

  1. cut frostbed shoots;
  2. Place the flower on the windowsill of the Western or East side and contain at + 18 ... + 20 ° C;
  3. Treat zircon biostimulant.
Why does Poinsettia dumps the leaves? What to do in this situation? 20931_6

With a lack of lighting, poinsettia must be rearranged on the brightest windowsill, and if the flower is not enough power:

  • From spring to the beginning of the appearance of buds, 1 time in 2 weeks add to the soil of complex mineral fertilizers of Kemira or Agrikola;
  • During flowering, potash compositions are added 1 time.

If the cause of the problem is the damage to pests, then it will help to get rid of them:

  • From a spider tick - kneading plates with tobacco infusion and pollination of sulfur powder;
  • from the shield and mild cherwell - the mechanical removal of insects and the subsequent wiping of the leaves with a sponge, moistened first in soap, and then in clean water room temperature;
  • From nematodes and threes are washed with foliage with soap solution, after which they spray with garlic, onion or tobacco solutions every 5 days.


If simple methods of combating insects do not give results, the flower should be treated with special insecticidal agents for indoor plants.

Fungicides are used to combat fungal diseases, pre-removing the affected parts of the plant. For resuscitation of perishing plants, the following measures should be taken:

  1. half trim stems;
  2. Put a flower into a darkened cool place;
  3. Water 1 time per month;
  4. After 2-3 months, move with optimal conditions and expect the emergence of new shoots.

The loss of foliage Puansettia can be associated both with the onset of the rest period and in violation of the rules of departure and content. To preserve a tropical plant from unwanted phenomena and even from death, it needs to provide a sufficient amount of heat, light and moisture, protect against disease and pests. In response, the flower will rely for a long time and refresh the dwelling with its unique beauty.

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