The doctor called errors when frostbite

The doctor called errors when frostbite 2093_1
Photo: Portishead1 / Getty Images

According to doctors, it is easy to get frostbite and only it seems that for this you need to walk down the street for a long time. At the same time, many people make mistakes that lead to serious complications.

Many when frostbite begin to actively grow with snow to break the blood, but in fact do not do so.

Rustam Mrdalimov, ambulance doctor, pediatrician: "First of all, snow is a solid form of water. It has a crystalline form, and when rubbing the skin, it turns out as an abrasive. That is, the chances of damaging the surface layers of the skin. This is actually like a small stacker. The second - the snow is also cold and itself can cause hypothermia. "

The doctor also noted that snow, especially in large cities, can be cleaned very conditionally.

They are erroneous and attempts to warm up frostbite under hot water. According to the doctor, in such a situation there is an option as with a burn: if you drop it with ice water, it will cause a spasm of surface vessels. The blood flow to the deeper lying tissues is disturbed and the heat transfer is reduced, thus leaving the heat in the depth, and the cold remains in the depths. As the expert notes, the most effective option is to warm it gradually.

Rustam Mrdalimov: "There are nuances here, it all depends on the degree of frostbite. For example, if a person was in the cold for a long time or got frostbite, leaving the water in clothes, then frostbite occurs very deeply. And when trying to use water in this case, even the cool liquid may be for the affected hot. "

In addition, the error is to lubricate the frostbed surface with something fat and nutritious. As the doctor explained, fat forms a film, blocking pores and disturbing the natural thermoregulation of the skin.

The doctor called errors when frostbite 2093_2
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The doctor warned and from attempts to warm up alcohol, including in advance before entering the street. Otherwise, it will begin to expand the pores and vessels, because of this, it really will be hot for a while, sweating will increase, the person will begin to unbutton and freezes even more, Mrdalimov explained.

The doctor advised when frostbite first move to a warm room, if necessary, remove wet clothing. It can be covered with a warm blanket or apply heating with warm water, but not boiling water, but the temperature close to the body temperature.

Rustam Mrdalimov: "If a person is conscious, he should use warm drinking. It is best for warm ordinary water or warm fastening tea. It is important that the drinking is precisely warm so that the patient can warm up from the inside. "

The doctor also noted that it is not necessary to ignore frostbite and must be referred to medical professionals.

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Based on materials: "AIF".

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