Biden called its own plan to rescue America "Shared"

Biden called its own plan to rescue America

In the US Congress, a schedule of the procedure of impeachment Donald Trump was approved. The resolution with the accusations of his address will be transferred to the Senate on Monday. The meetings themselves on which this issue will be resolved, postponed until February 8. Now congressmen have more urgent tasks. They need to approve the composition of the team of the new president, which will take their place in the government. Meanwhile, Biden himself continues to cancel everything that the Trump administration managed to do. Changes touched even an oval office. Biden spent the permutation there to his taste.

Joe Biden called its own plan to rescue America. That is, the situation in the country is such that emergency measures are needed to combat pandemic and lifting the economy. Part of them he announced the day before, including the obligation for 100 days to instill 100 million Americans from coronavirus. Immediately, however, it turned out that the past administration had already entered such a pace, so Bidenu had to promise more.

Joe Biden, President of the United States: "Journalists were asked yesterday with 6 million enough? Before that, they said: Biden, you went crazy, you can't make 100 million in 100 days. I will say, with God's help we will do not 100 million, but much more than that. "

Biden in every way tries to emphasize that in his White House everything will be distinguished. At least the situation in the oval office was changed instantly. There were new portraits, new busts, and journalists noticed that the TRAMP button was missing from the presidential table, which, according to rumors, often joked that it is a starting rocket button, but in fact, with its help, Trump caused a waiter with a dietary cola. They say he drank her 12 cans a day. But with impeachment, Biden asks for its predecessor.

Joe Biden: "I don't know the details, but I would like to start working normally. I want to thank the Senate for the approval of the Minister of Defense. It seems that the Minister of Finance and the Secretary of State on the spot. The more time we will have time to start fighting this crisis, the better. "

The impeachment article by Trump Democrats will be transferred to the Senate on Monday. They and the court wanted to spend as quickly as possible, next week, but Biden has not yet formed the entire office, and the key positions argues the upper chamber. Republicans have already stated there that they are not going to simultaneously listen to the case of impeachment and approve the appointment of Byyden. As a result, agreed to postpone the process over the Trump until February 8.

Mitch Macconnell, Senator, Republican party leader in the US Senate: "This impeachment began and passed unprecedentedly quickly in the lower chamber. Its continued can not refuse former President Trump in his right to defense. I suggest starting the process in February, so the Senate will have more time before we entered the absolutely unexplored territory and noticeably help the new administration, allowing it to form a cabinet. "

Absolutely unexplored territory, because so far in the Congress of former presidents did not judge. Many lawyers in general have doubts that such a court is legitimited. But the Democrats are confident that all this is a trick that Trump avoid responsibility.

Chuck Shumer, Senator, Democratic Party Leader in the US Senate: "I heard as some of my republican colleagues say that this court will be unconstitutional, because Donald Trump no longer takes his post. But this statement has already denied hundreds of specialists in the constitution - left, right and centrists. This will be a real and honest court. But he will definitely be when he is over, the senators will need to decide whether they consider Donald Trump provoked a rebellion against the United States. "

The loyal reproach Republicans in the meantime prepared a retaliatory blow. They want to declare the impeachment by Bideno for fraud in Ukraine and in China, when the current head of the White House worked as a vice president in the office of Barack Obama.

Marjori Taylor Green: "He demonstrated that he was ready for his benefit to use the power of the vice-president, and he confessed to the camera personally, when he would hold a billion dollars to the help of Ukraine, if the Prosecutor General would not be fired there. All this is because it influenced Hunter's son, who worked there in the energy company. "

Most likely, nothing will come out of this venture, the Democrats have most in the lower chamber, but to sweat the nerves to the enemy, the Republicans can arrange the scandal. The next, however, did not have to arrange, he was formed.

After the inauguration of Byyden, the soldiers quartered in Congress and guarded the ceremony suddenly began to interfere with someone. They were sent to the concrete basement, to parking, where they had to drive time between duty until America knew how they were with defenders of democracy.

James Inhof, Senator from Oklahoma: "I was shocked and very angry last night. I learned from the news that someone from the police told the guardsmen that they were not happy about the congress and that they should rest somewhere else, they were not sent anywhere, but to parking! They have 12 duty on their feet, and they were sent to parking. "

Congressmen, apologizing, brought pizza soldiers. The order has been played back, but the precipitate is definitely remained. This is the first, but unpleasant blow to the image of Joe Bayden. Still, the Guard was collected to guard his inauguration, and it came out that immediately after the soldiers were superfluous. And although he himself is at all at all, I had to apologize to the American president.

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