The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his spouse

The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his spouse 20925_1
The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his wife Ksenia Kuznetsova

The relations of the former prince Romania Nikolai Medford-Mills and Alina-Maria Binder little is known. However, recently, they are interested in the public.

The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his spouse 20925_2
The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his wife Ksenia Kuznetsova


Future spouses in the distant 2014 met. July 29, they participated together in a charitable action. But the acquaintance did not lead to anything. And the next meeting of Nicholas and Alina-Maria took place only a year later. But what happened between the pair, it is unknown. Like a spark ...

The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his spouse 20925_3
The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his wife Ksenia Kuznetsova

For the first time as a pair of Nikolai Romanian and his beloved noticed in 2016. That day they were guests on the baptism of the younger son of Prince Jean Orleans. Then they stopped hiding their relationship at all and were often chosen to various events. Alina accompanied the beloved almost everywhere.

Help and wedding

As a result, Nikolay realized that he wanted to tie his life with Alina. During the rest in England, the former Prince Romania rose on one knee in front of the girl and asked her hands. This happened on July 29, 2017. As symbolic. After all, the first meeting of the spouses took place on the same day. And the engagement took place on August 21.

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The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his wife Ksenia Kuznetsova

Wedding celebration passed on September 30, 2018. For the wedding, the couple chose the Church of St. Ilya in Sinai. This is a suburban residence of Romanian monarchs. And the wedding of Medford Mills became the first royal wedding in the country, starting in 1931. The celebration passed throughout the traditions.


Prince Nikolai Medford Mills in 2015 was deprived of the title of Prince. This decision took his late grandfather King Romania Mihai. It is rumored that rumors about the extramarital daughter of the Prince became the reason for this decision. The girl was born in 2015 from the girl with whom Nikolai stayed in a relationship for a couple of months. However, the official version of the king did not publish. And Nikolai himself later stated that the decision was taken by mutual agreement.

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The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his wife Ksenia Kuznetsova

Last summer, the spouses announced that the baby is expected. For Alina is the first child. But Nikolai, as he knew the father a little earlier. However, the former prince did not immediately recognize his first daughter, but only three years after her birth.

The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his spouse 20925_6
The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his wife Ksenia Kuznetsova

So, the second daughter of Nikolai Medford Mills was born on November 7, 2020. The girl was called Maria Alexander. And recently, the baptism of babies passed.

The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his spouse 20925_7
The story of the love of the former Prince Romania and his wife Ksenia Kuznetsova

Photo: Instagram.

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