Morning Digest KN: arrested communist, military communal services and fate of the terrorist cell

Morning Digest KN: arrested communist, military communal services and fate of the terrorist cell 20918_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

In Kaluga, the first criminal case after the rally is January 23

As reported in the SC of Russia, a criminal case was initiated in the Kaluga region after an attack on the police officer at the time of Saturday protests in support of Alexei Navalny's opposition.

According to Interfax, materials of investigative inspections and criminal cases following the unauthorized rallies held throughout Russia on January 23, discussed by the chairman of SC Alexander Bastrykin with the heads of regional departments at the meeting on Tuesday.

For 11 days, the participant was arrested on January 23 in Kaluga

Assistant deputy of Kaluga Gorduma Konstantin Larionov was arrested by 11 days after participation in the action on January 23. About this "Kaluga news" was told by the deputy of the city Duma of the city of Kaluga, the head of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of Marina Kostin.

We will remind, about the arrest of Konstantin Larionov became known on January 23. The social networks reported that the young man was detained after a fight with police officers. Marina Kostina denied this information, saying that Larione was detained for an administrative offense and did not resist police officers.

According to the deputy, Larionov was going to reach a single picket. The activist warned that it should not be protesting at a distance of 50 meters around it. But, alas, gathered in the village of Lenin, the crowd made Larionov a participant in the action.

- Konstantin Larionov detained by 11 days under the article by the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (approx. - "Organization of mass simultaneous stay and (or) movement of citizens in public places that caused violation of public order"). He advises a lawyer. As far as I know, he filed an appeal, "said Marina Kostina KN correspondent.

The head of the Communist Party faction emphasized that Picket Larionov was not related to the party.

In one of the regions of the Kaluga region, the pipe boiler

On the night of January 27, the city of Lyudinovo, the Kaluga region occurred. In the boiler room at Chernyakhovsky St., 13 at 02:00 in the morning there was a wedding of the smoke tube of the boiler room No. 16.

According to the area of ​​the area, after the incident, the boiler house was stopped. However, by five in the morning, a reserve boiler was launched using the 2nd chimney.

The activity of the terrorist cell was stopped in the Kaluga region

In the Kaluga region, the FSB of Russia stopped the activity of the cell of the Hizb ut-Tahrir Al-Islami forbidden in Russia, TASS reports with reference to the Center for Public Relations (COS) of the FSB.

According to the FSB, the participants in the terrorist structure carried out anti-constitutional activities based on the doctrine of the creation of the so-called World Caliphate, the destruction of the institutions of a secular society and aimed at overthrowing the violent power.

During the searches of the searches of the detainees, the FSB officers discovered and seized the propaganda materials "Hizb Yt-Tahrir al-Islami" prohibited in Russia, communications, electronic media used by them when conducting terrorist activities. A criminal case has been initiated, operational-search activities continue.

Reported who died from COVID-19 in the Kaluga region in the last day

In the Kaluga Operational Headquarters for Combating Coronavirus on January 27 reported three new cases of fatal outcome in the region. The total number of deaths of patients with Covid in the Kaluga region today reached 212.

"Three new confirmed cases: a resident of Obninsk born in 1954, a resident of the Medinsky district of 1950 and a resident of the Maloyaroslavetsky district of born in 1956," the observance says.

In Kaluga, the Director of the Management Company announced lawlessness from competitors

Sergey Portnov, director of one of the managers of Kaluga, serving several houses on Crystal Street, turned to the editorial office.

Portnov said that he was only not writing about his problem - and in the police, and to the prosecutor's office, and in the investigative department ... and even in the presidential administration. However, the question is still not resolved.

The head of the "factory" argues that a number of management companies of the regional center are illegally transferred to themselves at home managed by its organization. For this, they, according to Portorov, taking advantage of the support of local officials, are not neglected even with mass fake by residents.

The main kings of similar frauds, says Portnov, - Cancel direct payments to resourcers.

Portnov declares that at the moment the plot is under the hundreds of gilts for falsification of their signatures, but the criminal case, according to the director of the Criminal Code, is still not established.

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