Political scientist Yakov Kedmi explained US efforts to prevent war with Russia


Political scientist Yakov Kedmi explained US efforts to prevent war with Russia 20907_1
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Polytologist Yakov Kedmi explained why the United States is trying to prevent war with Russia with all their might. The Israeli expert called the main fears of the American authorities noting the rapid development of the economies and the Air Force and China and China.

The main fear of the United States

Despite the huge spending on weapons, the United States still try to prevent real clashes with the Russian army. As is well known, American troops take part in many military conflicts in a variety of planet corners.

However, their main enemy of the Russian Federation they fear. This opinion was expressed by Youtube-channel "Solovyov Live" Yakov Kedmi previously led by the Israeli special service "Native". He is confident that with all its power and aggressive policy, the United States will make every effort to prevent war with the Russian Federation. The reason for this is the usual fear because the example of their participation in hostilities in other countries has shown that Washington is not ready to risk the lives of his soldiers.

An example of Syria

Jacob Kedmi stressed that in the territories where the interests of the two superpowers are faced with the White House even constrain from any provocations towards Russia. The political analyst leads as an example of an event in Syria in which, from bombing by American missiles "Tomahawk" did not suffer from a single Russian serviceman. At this time, the main concern for the leadership of the Pentagon was the ultralone correction of the goals for defeat so that no war ranking from the course did not get into the place of deployment of the Russian Air Force. Consequently, the United States further, in the case of its army, will be bypassed the zones on which there would be possible confrontation with Moscow.

Lesson for Washington

The story is known when at the end of February before applying the strike in the Syrian territory, the Americans warned Russians only a few minutes before the attack. This fact a political scientist calls an exception that convincingly confirms the rule. In turn, the Kremlin's reaction to this incident has become a good lesson for Washington, which is now trying to avoid any controversial situations or collisions. The erroneous pentagon solution was a one-time point that completely contradicts the usual US military tactics.

The end of the US hegemony is nearing

If you look at the strengthening of the Russophobian rhetoric Washington, it is caused by the understanding that the hegemony of Washington came to an end. Given the development of weapons and the defense capability of China, you can predict that the states have only a few years after which the dominance on the world scene will be completed. Already on the balance of armies as the Russian Federation and the PRC there are technologies completely excluding even the slightest opportunities for US military aggression.

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