"I felt a strong smell of chlorine." After the change in the Svetlogorsk CCC, two workers got into the hospital. What did the factory say?


After changing the factory, two working contractors were in the hospital. According to the spouse of one of them, men could choose Chlorine. Police checks, writes "Ranak".

"On Saturday, January 16, her husband came from work and his vomiting began, began to choke," says the wife of the victim. - I called an ambulance. Doctors had the first help and took her husband to the hospital. About what has happened, I informed His leadership in the contractor. The partner of her husband turned to doctors to doctors the next day when he became worse. After that, the master called us, bosses, expressed concern. How events developed at the factory itself, I do not know. But after changing her husband, the next shift from their organization was supposed to work.

According to a woman, a team of four, in which her husband was and was engaged in repairs in the cooking shop of the Svetlogorsk cellulose-cardboard plant for a week, shift - eight hours.

- Due to frost, the room did not open, "the woman continues. - After work in this unbelievable workshop, he shoved.

During the Saturday shift, the husband felt a strong smell of chlorine in the workshop, said the master. There were something to do something, the phrase "Exceed Chlora" was sounded.

The brigade worked in respirators who protect except from dust. Such protection, like the working TsKK, did not have.

Now, the woman says, the husband feels satisfactory. The doctors reported on hospitalized with signs of poisoning. Militizer communicated with victims. In the district police department confirmed that according to the information received from the hospital, checks.

At the enterprise, they understand what could happen.

- I can not confirm the information - we did not happen, "said the chief engineer of the plant Alexander Commander. - Now I will go to the district executive committee to meet with the management of this company to learn about these people ... Why are they ... Nobody took them from the factory, right? So I will meet, find out ... Because we did not happen, everything is fine. My people who worked there in this workshop (the workshop did not stop his work for a minute), "everyone works. One took it on Saturday from the house, the other was taken on Sunday from the house, and my people worked as well as well.

I have all people alive and healthy. And these people went with my company alive and healthy. Their representatives will have to arrive at our factory ...

Recall that this is not the first state of emergency in the Svetlogorsk CCC. In July last year, the pipeline broke up during the repair, and two employees received serious burns. Over 95% of the body burned one of them. The man died in the hospital.

And in October, an explosion occurred at the factory. An employee of a contracting organization who performed fireworks on the site of the tall oil, due to the explosive wave fell from height and died.


This is how the Deputy General Director of the Galina Filippovich plant commented on the situation on his personal page "VKontakte":

- The administration of Svetlogorsk TsKK reports that the information posted on 19.01.2021 on the Internet, on the poisoning of employees of the contractual organization Chlorine in the production of repair work at the Belena Cellulose plant is unreliable. Elementary chlorine in the production of cellulose by the ECF method is not used and is not formed. The production of bleached cellulose worked on weekends and continues to work in normal mode.

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