In Moscow, will begin to seriously finant for the release of garbage on the roads and in the forest

In Moscow, will begin to seriously finant for the release of garbage on the roads and in the forest 20865_1

Good news came from the Moscow City Duma: the deputies accepted the appropriate document, now he will soon be sent to the State Duma.

As Kommersant writes, it is talking about new, many more stringent fines for "reset (unloading) from a vehicle" of garbage and waste outside allowed for this place. The current sanctions are ridiculous: with "collection, accumulation, transportation, processing, disposal or disposal of waste" with violations, a penalty is a pathetic 1-2 thousand rubles.

Now the Moscow and Moscow region deputies approved the following amounts. A new penalty for citizens will be 10-30 thousand rubles (when fixing the camera - 10-15 thousand rubles). For the release of waste from the trailer or truck, it is planned to be fined for 50-100 thousand rubles. If the machine belongs to an IP or a legal entity, then besides a fine (up to 200 thousand rubles) can be completely confiscated the car.

Apparently, we are not talking about the next ban, which no one will follow the fact - to innovations will be prepared from the technical side. Where waste can potentially be reset, special photo gallets will install, which will automatically work when driving, even with weak lighting. Travel cameras will also be involved. Resolutions will make police officers and Rosprirodnadzor.

However, optimism is not separated. The deputy of the Moscow City Duma Pavel Tarasov, for example, noted that the law was not thought out from the point of view of possible corruption, and in fact, Muscovites will face situations when they will be fined for the cigarette machine windows. In this sense, the problem really is: Recently, the drivers complained about new cameras, according to which penalties for an endless seat belt (although it seems to be the opposite).

"MOSCOW AND THAT IS INTRODUCED TO VIDEO TVES on the streets, squares, in the subway. Every day you follow five cameras. But if a crime is committed, the recording is impossible to get, "the words of the deputy Elena Shuvalova leads" Kommersant ".

In short, the project needs to be improved, but not global - most of the deputies still supported him.

Photo: Victor Korotaev / Kommersant / Fotodom

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