Large-scale vaccination from COVID-19 reduced the probability of the third wave of coronavirus


Large-scale vaccination from COVID-19 reduced the probability of the third wave of coronavirus 20853_1
Large-scale vaccination from COVID-19 reduced the probability of the third wave of coronavirus

Coronavirus pandemic continues for more than a year. The first outbreak of the disease was registered in the Chinese city of Wuhan. This happened in December 2019, but after a short time most countries encountered an epidemic. There were 2 waves of the epidemic, but the collective immunity against the virus did not appear, so some experts believe that the third wave of pandemic is possible in most countries of the world.

From January 18, 2021, a massive vaccination of the population began in Russia, which has a voluntary basis, but the pace of graft people show that by August of this year, about 60% of the country's population will have immunity to COVID-19. This is allowed to reduce the risks associated with the possibility of starting the third wave of the epidemic in Russia.

Experts give various estimates of the vaccination taking place and believe that it does not guarantee the avoidance of the third wave, but allow it to reduce its scale. On March 3, the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of Veronik Skvortsov was a statement about the possibility of the third wave of Pandemic in Russia.

Skvortsov is confident that if at least a quarter of the country's population will have immunity to the virus, then fears about the possibility of the beginning of the third wave have no justifications. If the vaccination of the population did not begin in January, the third wave of morbidity could come to April-May, but now the situation is quite optimistic, which allows doctors to hope for avoiding a new outbreak of the disease before the autumn period.

With such a point of view, many experts from medicine in Russia agree, but there are those who are confident in the irreversibility of the beginning of the third wave, but the question is only in exemplary timing. Vaccination does not make it possible to obtain immunity to COVID-19 on an ongoing basis, therefore the risks of resumption of sharp growth in the number of infected in Russia are preserved, but depend on a plurality of factors.

It is still difficult to make forecasts about the possibility of avoiding the third wave of a pandemic, but the positive assessment of the situation of specialists allows you to give a chance to a similar scenario.

Recall that during the world epidemic, it was revealed

114 896 149.

People infected with coronavirus. The leader in the number of infected is still the United States, where the authorities cannot take the situation under their control.

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