Homemade noodles for Lagman


Of course, the noodles for Lagman can be purchased ready. But no shopping product is compared with manually homemade noodles. Of course, the time will need to prepare, but the result is building.

How to cook Lagman, you can watch clicking on the link.


To prepare a delicious homemade noodle for the lagman, you will need:
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 tsp. with a slide;
  • Warm water - 100 ml;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • Vegetable oil for lubrication.

The amount of flour is specified approximate, it can go a little more or less, depending on the type, humidity and range of other factors.

Cooking process

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First you need to knead the dough for this:

  • slightly beat the egg with the addition of salt, pour the water to mix;
  • In a large bowl, sift flour, to make a recess in the center and pour into it a piece of the egg with water, knead the dough, gradually pouring the remaining liquid;
  • When the dough becomes sufficiently thick, shifting it on the table and diligently swimming at least 15 minutes, this is an important point, of the poorly smeared the test, good noodles will fail;
  • Put the dough into the package or wrap the food film and leave for 20 minutes to sick;
  • Then take out, it is once again a good, and again put in the package for the second proofing for 20 minutes.

Now you can start cooking noodles:

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  • roll out the dough into the cake with a thickness of about 1 cm;
  • cut into a knife on the strip wide as 1 cm;
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  • Each strip roll on his arms into a flagellum, slightly stretched;
  • Folded onto a flat surface of the spiral (to occupy less space), abundantly brushed with vegetable oil, cover with a film and give to stand 10 minutes;
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  • Take one flag, roll off by one hand, at the same time carefully pulling the second hand;
  • the thickness of the noodle to do at your discretion;
  • Each rolling harness is again well lubricated with oil and folded under the film so that the dough is not tested until the rest of the noodle rolls out;
  • put water for cooking with a large saucepan, salt;
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  • Each prepared flagella from the test folded several times in his hands with a slightly discard about the surface of the table, it is important not to rearrange, the noodles should not break away;
  • Before cooking, keep the prepared noodles under the film;
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  • Omit prepared noodles in boiling water, stirring 1.5 minutes, then remove shimmer and rinse in clean water;
  • Cook in batches, noodles should swim freely in a saucepan;
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  • Finished noodles omit in the cooked meat and vegetable gravy per minute before turning off the fire, then give to stand the dish for about 10 minutes so that the noodles is soaked with sauce.

How to cook noodles, as well as how to prepare the second part of the lagman of meat and vegetables, see our video.

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