Overview of varieties of Zamiculkas. Care rules

Overview of varieties of Zamiculkas. Care rules 20849_1

Peppercut varieties of Zamiculkas are brought by breeders from the type of Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. The popular succulent has a set of names: "Flower of celibacy", "Women's Happiness", "Dollar Tree". It is believed that with the acquisition of a flower in the house comes some lucky event: the birth of a child, a wedding, money. Moreover, unlike all the well-known money trees (Tolstanka), Zamiculkas contributes to the accumulation of foreign currency.

Exotic variginal zamioculkasy are in wide demand among flower flowers. However, find them in wide sale difficult. At the same time, the militant varieties themselves are not enough: among them there are high, and miniature, with a variety of color and the form of the sheet.

Features of the Peppercut Forms of Succulent

Peppercut forms of Zamiculkas are considered more capricious in cultivation. Partly, this is true. The changed color of spots (yellow, white) suggests that she has less green areas actively involved in the photosynthtic process. Therefore, such a plant has increased the requirements for illumination throughout the year. In addition, such grades are more vulnerable to pests and diseases, unfavorable environmental factors (soil rejuvenation, lowering temperature, drafts).

The line of modern varieties and succulent hybrids is represented by Dutch cultivars. Most of them are newly registered in the past decade.

Lucky Wat.

The most common Dutch variety registered in 2011. Sometimes it is found by the names of Lakivit ("LuckyWhit"). Posted by plants of a small height (30-40 cm) and a compact form of the crown. Packers at the base thick, light green. Leaves have a weakly wavy edge. Sheet plate on 2/3 of the surface is filled with strokes and stains of yellowish green color.

Other varieties are found only in real connoisseurs of Zamiculkasov: in the greenhouses of botanical gardens and private amateur collections. Short Liv (Short Leaf)

The painting of the cherries varies from salad to white and green. Separate color stains are missing on them. A sheet is wide, egg-shaped, with white strokes and stains, up to 13 cm long. Separate leaves can be completely white.

Lemon Variagrata

This is a variety of Live shorts with lemon variance (Short Leaf Var. Lemon). Leaves are elongated, lanceathoid, thinner than the ordinary zamiculkas, with lemon yellow spots over the entire surface of the leaves.

Big LEAF (Big Leaf)

Do not be afraid of the appearance of the succulent! Such yellow painting of foliage is due to varietal features, not a plant disease. A bush is large, up to 1-1.2 m high. Packers and young leaves have a saturated yellow color, which with age is a little greasy.

Long Long Leaf

It has more elongated leaves with a pointed vertex. Packers elongated and thin, green, with dark brown stains. Thickening at the base of the stem is not very pronounced. It has the largest leaflets - up to 18 cm long and 9 cm wide. Along the edge of the sheet - cream spots are strongly expressed, often merging into a single tone. The center of the leaf plate is covered with small creamy-white grinding spots. The leaves are all different, on one - the spelling is very expressed, on the other - no.

Reference! In addition to the voyage hybrids, the interesting color of foliage has a black (Raven) and purple (Black LEAF).

Home Care Rules

So that Zamokulkas felt comfortably, he needs to provide more attentive care than his ordinary mind. Competent care begins from the moment of purchase:

  • Landing. A week after acclimatization, the plant is planted in a new pot. The soil must be light and nutritious. For independent preparation, take a mixture of peat, humid and sand (2: 1: 1). A handful of fine clamzite and perlite add to the ground. At the bottom of the pot pour high drainage.
  • Location. Various forms are very light-headed. For them, the southern, eastern or south-western orientation window is preferable. On the southern window, in the summer heat, the plants are transformed from direct sunlight.
  • Watering. Motion varieties do not wear out water in the soil. Watering is recommended to accumulating water temperature. In winter, Zamokulkas watered 1-2 times a month. In the summer - as the upper layer of soil drying in the pot.
  • Feeding. Starting from mid-March to the end of August, the plants feed the complex fertilizer for indoor decorative plants. For convenience, use liquid concentrates, for example, "etisso", "fertilizer for cacti and succulents Ultraeffect Classic" or "Floral Fertility". For the brightness of the color of the leaflets of Zamokulkas, the feeders are carried out during the growth period (March-June) every 10-12 days.
  • Transfer. For young plants - annually in spring.

Various succulent leaflet, part of a leaf cutter with leaves or dividing the scorched plant.

Important! All parts of the plant poisonous! Do not place the succulent indoors where there are children and animals.

Various Zamokulkas is still difficult to purchase even in a large flower center, not to mention small shops. Look for your favorite variety or hybrid in online stores, and better - at the gardeners living nearby. At a personal meeting, you can make sure that the grade meets the standards and get experienced care guidelines.

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