PP pancakes without eggs and milk, step-by-step recipe with photos

PP pancakes without eggs and milk, step-by-step recipe with photos 20840_1
PP pancakes without eggs and milk, step-by-step recipe with photos Admin PP pancakes without eggs and milk, step-by-step recipe with photo admin


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Step 1

Prepare the dough for PP-pancakes without eggs and milk. Squake in a large bowl through a fine sieve flour, ground cinnamon, baking powder and salt. Add sugar and mix.

Step 2.

Vegetable milk pour into a small bowl. Add vanilla extract and drinking water. Mix the spoon to get a mixture of homogeneous consistency.

Step 3.

Connect the liquid and dry mixes for the pancake test. To do this, slowly, fine trickle, pour the milk into the flour, constantly stirring with a fork or a large wedge. If small lumps remain - let it be so.

Step 4.

Pour vegetable oil. Mix the whore again. Leave the dough at room temperature for 15 minutes so that gluten develops in the flour, and the pancakes do not fall apart when baking.

Step 5.

Heat the frying pan with a thick bottom (better cast-iron) and lubricate it with vegetable oil. Pour the dough onto it in small portions and grab pancakes on both sides.

Step 6.

Finished pancakes lay out on the plate and keep in a warm place. Melt honey in a microwave oven. Berries Wash and dry. Finished PP-pancakes feed with berries, watering honey.

By the way

PP pancakes without eggs and milk, step-by-step recipe with photo admin

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Helpful advice

PP pancakes without eggs and milk will enjoy those who observe the post. If you want, prepare a dispensary dish with vegetable or mushroom, reducing the amount of sugar in the test to 1 liter.

By the way

PP pancakes can be made not only without eggs and milk, but also without sugar. The sweetness of the finished dish give honey and fresh berries. It is possible that it will be enough for you.

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