Ekaterina Ioannovna: Why did Russian princess called "Wild Duchess" in Europe?


The name of Ekaterina Ioannovna, the daughters of Ivan V and his wife Praskovy Saltykova, little about whom he says to the modern inhabitant. Undeservedly unpleasant, like her father, this representative of the genus Romanov was a very bright and extraordinary person. She was born in difficult times, when in full swing was the confusion of two births: Romanov-Miloslavsky and Romanov-Naryshkina.

The fate of the queen-widow and her daughters, including Catherine, were in the hands of Peter I. The king not only helped relatives to strengthen his position, but also concluded very profitable ties with foreigners. How did the Russian princess become the duchess? What was her life?

Elder daughter Ivan V

Despite all the difficulties and drama of the XVII century, we can safely say that Catherine is lucky since birth. She was born in 1691 in a royal family, although the parents appeared to her daughter hardly sincerely pleased.

On Ivan V, the entire genus of Romanov-Miloslavsky laid great hopes. His relatives hoped that the sovereign would be born a heir who can take the throne, pushing Peter. But, as you understand, everything came out at all.

And although Praskovia Fedorovna never born the long-awaited son, Catherine was a favorite of the queen. Mother especially highlighted the girl among other her daughters. In addition, Tsarevna was a senior surviving child, which also meant a lot.

Together with the sisters, Catherine received the formation and necessary skills for the girl. She fluently owned French and German, perfectly danced, was distinguished by exquisite manners. However, otherwise I could not, because the girl followed his relatives. Great Catherine was her uncle Peter the Great and cousin Tatiana Mikhailovna.

Ekaterina Ioannovna: Why did Russian princess called
Russian Tsarevna Ekaterina ioannovna

Groom for princess

But if the childhood of a little princess proceeded quite quietly in Moscow, then since 1708, together with his mother and sistems, she moves into St. Petersburg, a city founded by her royal uncle. It was Petr I who violated the traditional foundations, according to which the princesses could marry only for representatives of the monarch of families (and even Orthodox), which is why many girls did not marry at all.

Peter himself began to search for grooms for his nieces, trying not only to arrange the fate of the girls, but also to conclude an alliance favorable in politically. It must be said that the princess, according to contemporaries, was not distinguished by beauty. It was low and complete, with light skin and dark hair.

Ekaterina Ioannovna: Why did Russian princess called
Johann Gottfried Tannaauer "Portrait of the Russian Tsarevna Catherine John"

The indisputable advantages of Catherine was considered sociable and courtesy. By the decision of Peter, she married the Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerinsky Charles Leopold. The sovereign wanted to use the ports of Mecklenburg to protect against the Swedes, as one of the bases of the Russian fleet. Interestingly, the duke was initially woven to the sister of princes, Anna, but Peter decided everything in his own way.

The main adviser to Karl Leopold, Baron Eichgolz, wrote that, having learned about who from Peter's nieces was chosen to him as a spouse, Duke pronounced:

"Adamant destiny appointed me by this Katerina, but there is nothing to do, it is necessary to be satisfied; She is at least the favorite of the queen. "
Ekaterina Ioannovna: Why did Russian princess called
Karl Leopold Mecklenburg-Schwerinsky - Ekaterina John's husband

Failure in marriage

Wedding, which took place in the spring of 1716, more resembled a successful business transaction. The duke signed an agreement on which the spouse was allowed to perform Orthodox rituals and remain with his faith, was to pay Catherine to 6,000 Efimkov per year. In turn, Peter I promoted Karl Leopold in the conquest of the city of Wismar.

But if initially marriage seemed extremely successful, then the family life of Catherine Ioannovna is difficult to call happy. With the Russian wife, the duke turned rudely, showing cruelty or indifference. And soon there was a breakdown and Peter.

I can not withstand gross conversion, Tsarevna went to Russia. With you, she took the little daughter Elizabe Katerina Kristina. In fact, the divorce was not, however, to make claims to the niece of Peter the Great Duke did not. Karl Leopold after six years lost the throne, and finished his days in the fortress of Dyumitz.

Ekaterina Ioannovna: Why did Russian princess called
Portrait of Anna Leopoldna (Elizaveta Katharina Kristina, Princess Mecklenburg-Schwerinskaya)

Life in Russia

After the death of his patron and Peter II, Tsarevna Catherine was considered as a throne, after all, it was she who was the older who survived the child of Tsar Ivan V. But probably the choice was not taken in her favor because of a marriage with the duke, whose relatives could use the government in their purposes. As a result, Anna Ioannovna, Sister Catherine, became Russian Empress.

Ekaterina Ioannovna managed to do a lot for the development of art. She had the first in Russia theater of fortress actors, which became the favorite brain of princes. Even after tapping and parting with his spouse, she did not tolerate sharp statements in his address.

Ekaterina Ioannovna: Why did Russian princess called
Portrait of Empress Anna John

As a loyal wife, she was ready to defend the honor of her husband, who entered her so unfair. During the lifetime, Peter Catherine asked Uncle to call the Duke to Russia. Shortly before his death, the king sent a letter to Karl Leopold with an invitation, but he answered with refusal, although it would help to establish relations with the Russian ruler.

"Wild Duchess"

However, Ekaterina Ioannovna was not a humble angel at all. On the contrary, she adored balls on which the clock could dance, had a passion for tasty disassembly and drinks. For such a bright and unbridled temperament, the Europeans nicknamed her "wild duchess".

Soviet historian I. V. Kurukin leads other facts. It is known that Ekaterina Ioannovna cohadled with an officer Mikhail Beloselsky. Alas, and this novel ended sadly. After the death of Tsarevna, Beloselsky was exiled to the Urals for indiscreet stories about the princess.

Ekaterina Ioannovna: Why did Russian princess called
Tombstone Ekaterina Ioannovna in the Blagoveshchensk Church of Alexander Nevsky Lavra

Ekaterina Ioannovna left the life in 1733. Just a month before his death, she was present at the ceremony of baptism with his daughter with the Orthodox name. The girl was unarked by Anna Leopoldovna. It was this young person that was destined to go to the throne of the Russian Empire in 1740, becoming the regent of the young Ivan Vi.

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