Kaluzhanka fell into the sewer hatch and hardly died

Kaluzhanka fell into the sewer hatch and hardly died 20781_1
Photo: Kozelsk newspaper

A terrible story occurred in the city of Kozelsk Kaluga region.

The girl named Anastasia spent in the ice water of the hour and with the help of not indifferent people and operational services she managed to survive.

As the girl herself says, early in the morning of January 31, she arrived at home No. 5 in the construction alley for his acquaintance. The weather was good and Anastasia decided to go out. However, leaving the car, the girl came on the sewage sunroof sipped with snow and found himself in a well.

Anastasia from his head went into the ice water and immediately tried to swim, but the girl prevented the girl with a warm coat from the water. Shouting and breaking nails, she tried to cling to any ledge, but in the dark it was not such a simple task. Frozen fingers a girl managed to get rid of a coat and shoes. At the shouts of the girl came running her friend.

"She tried to help me, but we could not even reach each other. Then the familiar ran for help to neighbors," says the girl.

Soon, a familiar returned with the help: two men, a resident of the nearest houses Denis Zakharov and an employee of the housing and communal services Olechkin (the name is still unknown) in a hurry to revenue a poor girl. However, it was not possible to pull it out even three hands: the girl slipped out of her hands.

"Slipping out of their hands, I fell into the water again. There was very deep! I didn't even take my feet to the bottom," Girl with journalists of the Kozelsk newspaper shares

Then it was decided to contact the rescue service. By the time, the rescuers, doctors and the police arrived, Anastasia had been in ice water for about an hour.

"In order to save from the burning water cold, I tried to keep the hands of hands," says the victim.

Arriving rescuers immediately threw a belt to the well, to hook a girl for a jacket, however, this attempt turned into a failure, since the jacket broke and the girl remained in pants and underwear.

Only after the rescuers threw the girl rope, it was possible to pull it out of captivity of the sewer hatch. She was immediately covered, and the physicians immediately put five injections at once, to bring the girl to the feeling: she had a low temperature and increased pressure. As the victim itself specifies itself, in the water she twice lost consciousness, and when it was pulled out - it turned off.

A day after the incident she had a low temperature, which was not raised above 35 degrees. Now her body swollen and covered with bruises, and the temperature jumped to 39 degrees. The girl informs his intention to make X-rays, since her sides hurt and cough appeared.

Anastasia separately asked to thank the PSH-42 brigade - the head of Karaula Eliseeva, the driver of the Basev and Fire Bakaev. And also - an employee of the Housing and communal services of Olechkin and Denis Zakharov.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how many of them are called. But they gave me a second life! Thank them from my name, wish me a lot of service, good health - they and their families! They even wrote me after that, asked about Wellness. "

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