Spacex and Exolaunch are going to beat the record for the number of running satellites for one start

Spacex and Exolaunch are going to beat the record for the number of running satellites for one start 20775_1

Today Spacex plans to start the TRANSPORTER-1 mission, prepared together with the German company Exolaunch. The goal of the mission is to withdraw to the orbit of a record for one launch of the number of satellites - 143 devices. Spacex provides for this PH of Falcon 9 - Booster with the B1058 sequence number, which before that 4 times outputs Mon - Unmanned DEMO-1 Crew Dragon on the ISS in March 2019, later launched the Anasis-II South Korea mission in July 2020, The Starlink mission, and also, in December 2020 sent a second generation to the ISS cargo Dragon.

Spacex and Exolaunch are going to beat the record for the number of running satellites for one start 20775_2

As already mentioned above, the world record for the number of satellites, launched in one mission, will be the result of collaboration with the Exolaunch company. This company was founded in 2010 by scientists and engineers of the Faculty of Space Technologies of the Berlin Technical University. To implement today's mission, a unique platform has been created - a flexible multi-contact adapter, designed to ensure optimal accommodation of micro and nanostoders. Earlier, in collaboration with global service providers in the conclusion of Monasmos, they successfully launched 110 multinational small satellites into orbit.

Spacex and Exolaunch are going to beat the record for the number of running satellites for one start 20775_3
multi-pass adapter exolaunch

By the way, as not to remember the sad fate of the Russian private company Dauria Aerospeis, which began to work in this direction. But it was "ate quickly", not even let's start expressing.

Today, TRANSPORTER-1 mission must bring satellites of dozens of companies and departments of various countries - NASA, Planet Labs, Exolaunch, Swarm Technologies, Spaceflight, Hawkeye, IQSS, Umbra Labs, Celestis, Astrocast, US Dod, USAF, Kelplariantech, Nearspace, Space Domain Awareness , R2, Inorbit, Planetiq, Kepler, Astro Digital, D-Orbit, Israel Defense, Spaceq, Uvsq, Capella, Lincolnshire, Tyvax Nano-Satellite Systems, Nanoracks and Nanoavionics.

According to the Rates for the withdrawal of the PN from Spacex, the minimum order continues to reach $ 1 million for the output of the cargo in 200 kg to the solar-synchronous orbit (SSO). Customers can also purchase additional weight at a price of $ 5,000 per kilogram. These prices are at present are extremely competitive compared to the rest of the space launchers.

So, we wait and watch the new record mission of Spacex. As soon as the start broadcast is launched, the video will be added here.


Due to adverse weather conditions, the start had to be postponed. The next start attempt will take place tomorrow. Watch out for our updates.

Spacex and Exolaunch are going to beat the record for the number of running satellites for one start 20775_4
Update 24.01.2021 - TRANSPORTER-1 Mission Start

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