Australians built a rocket car with a capacity of 202,500 forces to set the speed record on Earth


Australians built a rocket car with a capacity of 202,500 forces to set the speed record on Earth 20747_1

The network for the first time appeared the photos perhaps the most unusual car in the world. We are talking about a rocket vehicle called Aussie Invader 5R, built by a group of Australian engineers under the leadership of Rosca Maclaughzan. It is on him next year a new world speed record can be set - for the first time in 25 years!

Aussie Invader 5R is a gigid of 16 meters long and about 9 tons weighing. The base for rocketomob is the original steel frame. Externally, he really resembles a rocket, rather than a car: a long and sharp front, the streamlined body shape, a large "fin" from above - all for better aerodynamics. In this case, the wheels in 5R are only three (35-inch), and completely aluminum, without rubber.

Australians built a rocket car with a capacity of 202,500 forces to set the speed record on Earth 20747_2

To lead such a giant in the movement, it took the most real missile installation. So, the engine is able to develop a record power - 202,500 horsepower. According to the estimates of the creators of the car, it will turn away only 1.1 seconds. And the expected maximum speed, which should be overwhelmed by the world record, will be 1000 miles per hour (1609 kilometers per hour). It will take less than half a minute to achieve this mark of rocketomob.

According to the calculations of the developers of rocket vehicles, a direct route of at least 5 kilometers will be required to overclock it. And to stop 2.5 times more - 13 kilometers. It is noteworthy that the braking process at Aussie Invader is much more complicated than overclocking. In addition to traditional disc brakes, parachutes and active aerodynamic elements are used in the project.

Australians built a rocket car with a capacity of 202,500 forces to set the speed record on Earth 20747_3

It is reported that the first tests of rocket vehicles will begin at the beginning of 2022. In the same year it is planned to hold a decisive race in an attempt to establish a record. By the way, the pilot will be the head of the project, Roscoe McGlashan. In 1994, he had already established a world speed record on Earth using its first rocket car, 5R predecessor. Then on one of the dried salt lakes in Australia, he was able to accelerate to 802.6 kilometers per hour.

By the way, in three years later, in 1997, Maclaughan's record was beaten. This was done by the British racer and former pilot Andy Green. On its Rocketomobile Thrust SSC, it reached the maximum speed mark in the area of ​​1223.7 kilometers per hour. Since then, no one has yet been able to beat the Green record, and therefore an attempt by Australians is a truly historical event.

Australians built a rocket car with a capacity of 202,500 forces to set the speed record on Earth 20747_4

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