Anti-edit of the XXI century: Each sixth company did not survive 2020

Anti-edit of the XXI century: Each sixth company did not survive 2020 20739_1

In the pandemic year, the ratio of closed and open companies was the worst for 18 years.

"In 2020, 515.5 thousand commercial organizations stopped their activities in Russia, or each sixth company in the country. The number of closed businesses 2.4 times exceeded the number of newly created - this ratio turned out to be the worst at least over the past 18 years, "such data leads the international audit-consulting network Finexpertiza.

And although in 2020, it was closed on 18% of companies less than a year earlier that experts are associated with quarantine restrictions on accounting and registration actions, firms opened less than 24%.

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Anti-edit of the XXI century: Each sixth company did not survive 2020 20739_2

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People were in no hurry or simply could not open their work in the conditions of quarantine restrictions, falling demand and general uncertainty. As a result of liquidated businesses, it turned out 2.4 times more than those registered. This has not happened since the beginning of the century, and to be more accurate - since 2003.

However, the trend towards anti-advertising in terms of the ratio of open and closed businesses has been observed all over the years. The number of commercial organizations operating in the country annually increased until 2015 inclusive, but then, after the FTS began a campaign against one-day, it began to decrease.

Thus, in five years in Russia, it became less than 1.3 million companies. In 2020, the number of existing enterprises decreased by 300 thousand to 2.82 million.

"The main part of the closed enterprises was excluded from the register of legal entities to solve the registering authority - such companies during twelve months did not give up reporting and did not carry out operations on bank accounts, that is, actually did not lead economic activities," refine the authors of the study, calling such a business. Abandoned. "

At the same time, in a number of regions, data on the pace of business reduction are even more terrifying. In St. Petersburg for the year the number of commercial organizations decreased by 15.4%, to 220.5 thousand, in Moscow - by 14.91%, to 570.2 thousand, in the Pskov region - by 14.85%, to 9 thousand etc. In the Novosibirsk region, these indicators make up minus 8% and 80.5 thousand companies at the beginning of 2021.

The only two regions, in which at the end of the year, the growth of commercial companies was revealed, Buryatia became (the number of companies increased by 6.3%, to 14.3 thousand) and the incomplete Chukotka Autonomous District (+ 3.3%, to 560). Minimum business decrease (less than 4%) was noted in Transbaikalia, both Altai regions, Bashkiria, Leningrad region, etc. And in Sevastopol, the decrease was only 0.63%.

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