Designer for adults: 7 Russian brands of clothing and home products with customization service

Designer for adults: 7 Russian brands of clothing and home products with customization service 20736_1
Designer for adults: 7 Russian brands of clothing and home products with customization service Dmitry Eskin

Following the principles of reasonable consumption, it is worth choosing what will like and be used as long as possible. Find in the mass market clothes, accessories and interior items that meet these criteria are difficult: everything is performed in templates, and the perfect purchase should be personalized. To emphasize its individuality, customization will help - a detailed adaptation of things for the needs of a particular buyer. Time Out advises 7 Russian brands of truly personalized bed linen, watches, clothes and shoes.

"Verin Son"

In the 2020s, we realized how important it was comfortable and comfortably in the apartment, that every thing should please the eye. One of the universal ways to create and maintain good weather in the house - Bed linen. After all, cute pillowcases and sheets not only raise the mood, but also inspire us to a pleasant pastime: leaving the pillows and to think about it, to look around and breakfast in bed, sabol with an interesting book after a hard day, disabling all the extra thoughts, and after - watch good dreams. But to find bedding in the store, which will be simultaneously both high-quality, and aesthetic, not so simple: most often you have to buy regular pillowcases in small flower. Do not get upset and agree that it doesn't like it too much, it's easy to choose the inspirational kits in the range of the "Verin Son" brand, because it is the client this range and forms.

Each set is sewed under the order - it will be made according to your standards and especially for you. You can choose any combination of the necessary items, at least 4 sheets and 3 pillowcases, combine shades from a huge palette of colors as you want, if necessary, add gum. All bed linen is distinguished by high quality: premium satin - the material is durable and tight, but at the same time gentle, silky, with a characteristic expensive gloss. Special attention is paid to Crow and tailoring so that perfectly closed seams are obtained without protruding threads, which are sinned by some manufacturers. "Verin Son" is a small family company that values ​​each client, keeps a high quality bar.

To demonstrate universal, but at the same time an unusual color palette even created a special Instagram. Names and sound, and looks very poetic and noble: bright and juicy "Lil", "Spicy East" and "Coral", warm "champagne", "Chocolate" and "Makadamia". To make sure that you make the right choice, you will be sent free of fabric samples for free, and to return the purchase, if suddenly the kit does not come up, give 55 days.

The family company from Vologda really takes care of its customers - this is confirmed by feedback. The founder of the Brenda Faith notices that everything that happens with the brand looks like sleep - it develops so quickly.

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"A special business" is a creative business for the production of silent and aesthetic wall clocks, with the help of which the rehabilitation of a child is paid. Diana has children's cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy), such children are called special - and the name has appeared for the brand, which Mom created. As she explains, "charity should be easy, and rehabilitation - constant": Buyers get watches created for their taste, and a girl is the opportunity to learn how to walk and talk.

Gulnur helps to pick up the design of the clocks that will perfectly fit into your interior: their shade, size, color of numbers, or arrows - in general, all right up to the smallest detail. You can order a model for the color of the cabinet, and the arrows under the sofa shade, finally embodying all his creative ideas. The clock is made of natural components: wood chips pressed into a dense material, or oak massif, whole pieces of wood.

Another advantage - no need to worry that the owner will interfere with ticking: the arrows slide silently thanks to a special mechanism from Hong Kong. "A special business" does not forget about ecology: there are no plastic in the clock packaging, only kraft paper, paper filler and cardboard.

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With the help of Hooli, you can collect almost the entire wardrobe and make images for different occasions: there are designers of shirts and sweatshops, dresses and overalls, skirts and bikes, even combo - Hoody and pants. The brand supports reasonable consumption and gives part of remnants from production for processing, and its main mission considers a decrease in the number of unnecessary clothing, which contributes to the personification. After all, we had so many times in the store sigh, seeing a pretty thing not exactly the color, not too suitable LED or simply not its size. Hooli decides this problem by offering a choice of 23 colors and 11 sizes.

By collecting, for example, Hoodies, there is an opportunity to choose cut and length, turning it into a heads-model or a classic version sitting in a figure. You can add a hood to your liking, at least with the ears of the cat, choose the cloth and the color of the product. And due to the fact that you specify the size and growth, the thing will be sewn according to specific parameters.

This is a great solution and for those who want to show their individuality, and for those who are simply tired of walking on shopping centers in search of a suitable new clothes - now it's easier to create it yourself.

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Kokos Look

Kokos Look positions itself as a bold brand of outerwear, whose designers are experimenting with fashion trends and create unique and comfortable bows. In the catalog of the down jackets, jacket jackets and coats, which, thanks to the design, become perfect for you - all of course we are looking forward to summer and good weather, to run out of the house, putting at least things, but when there are in the wardrobe Beautiful and warm down jackets, even lightening frosts to survive easier.

Conferences on a down jacket, attach to it a hood or collar kimono, overhead pockets or "leaves", stop at one of the 24 collected colors, including not only classic, but also unusual like "Marshmello", "Tiffany", " Pink neon. " All jackets-bathrobes are available in the size of the offesse with the belt without fasteners and are made of scholars durable fabric, which is treated with water-repellent composition.

Happy winter

In winter, when it is cold and dark, so I want to get out of the house right in the blanket. This, of course, is impossible, but a good replacement of the places will be a cozy down jacket-blanket from Happy Winter. The brand creates down down jackets in one, using different colors: To quickly change the image, you just need to turn the thing inside out - and it will turn out of the gentle pink, for example, in bright red. This is a great solution to not litter a closet, but at the same time have a top of a different mood for any situations.

In a 3D configurator, you can decide on the down down down jacket, the view of the hood, external and inner colors, thinking about which shades will be perfectly combined and practical to wear, and at the end, select the decor - type of pocket and fastener.

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Owl Dress and Look

Owl Dress and Look in its own production sews clothes. For example, double-sided down jackets whose colors are combined at will, and the length of the sleeve is individually adjusted to your height. Even the temperature regime is offered to the choice: up to -20 ℃ or up to -35, which will be appreciated not only by people from different regions of Russia, but also those who are always too hot or, on the contrary, very cold. In addition to the jackets of the brand in the assortment there are vests from eco-leather, sweaters and costumes from the footer.

"Alpha Manufactory"

In the Alpha Manufactory Castomizer, you can create your own unique pair of shoes. As a foundation is offered to take sneakers, shoes or shoes, and then - to show creativity, representing how the model should look like that you would like to wear every day. In the designer, both shoes are changing immediately or even one: click on the item - and it repainted in the selected color. Convert all shoes or part of it, for example, lining, nose or tongue. Have long dreamed of blue dots with red backs? Here you are. Another plus brand is used high-quality natural materials, and the production itself is in Russia, in the center of St. Petersburg.

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