Secrets of growing gooseberry without spikes


    Good afternoon, my reader. Methods of cultivation and reproduction of a shatter gooseberry with barbeds are almost the same.

    Secrets of growing gooseberry without spikes 20731_1
    Secrets of growing gooseberry without spikes Maria Verbilkova

    The optimal period for landing the gooseberry bushes falls on September-October. You can make landing and early spring, because the shrub refers to plants with a shortened rest period. The silent gooseberry "wakes up" at a temperature of 0 ° C and above, bloom begins in the first days of May.

    A vegetative method is used to reproduce the shrub, since the varietal seed material does not preserve the abilities. Young seedlings can be obtained by flexing to the soil of annual or biennial shoots, and there should be a little earthly from above. Throughout the summer, such drags need to water and dip. By autumn, the affected branches are rooted, and they must be cut off, dig and transplant to a permanent place.

    During the landing, choose a healthy planting material. The sapling must have a developed urine root system and several young twigs.

    For the gooseberry, plots are suitable on which potatoes or beets were growing, as well as legumes. The landing place should be illuminated or a bit shadowed. It is advisable to bypass the overwhelmed soil - excessive moisture helps the development of fungus. Nearby should not be the bushes of raspberries or currants, since all berry plants have the same diseases and they are affected by the same parasites.

    To increase the yield nearby, several types of gooseberry with different periods of ripening berries should be landed.

    The landing well needs to be prepared in advance: when planting a coastal at an autumn time for about 14-20 days, and in the spring - in seven days. The depth, width and length of the pits should be the size of at least 0.5 m. In the deepening, put the reworked manure, superphosphate (100 g), sulfate potassium (50 g), wood ash (300 g). If the ground is clay, it is desirable to add river coarse sand into the bucket. All ingredients mix. Acute soil is pre-enrolled. The perfect distance between shrubs is 1-1.5 m, during a thickened landing it will be necessary to increase the dose of fertilizer and the volume of irrigation, although in the first years the shrub gives a higher harvest of berries.

    Before boarding the young seedling, the old shoots are cut off, and the roots should soak in a broken growth stimulator during the day.

    Shrub Squake vertically, while straightening the roots and deepen the above-ground part of the stem is about 5 cm. Earth is wisely, so that the air emptiness is not formed. Then the plant is painted and cut, leaving about 5-6 kidneys on each branch. Tighten the soil around the bush so that it does not drive.

    This plant is unpretentious in care. It requires a timely watering, feeding, weeding in a rustic circle, crown crown and protection against fungal diseases and parasites.

    For the plant, it is not required permanent watering. It is only necessary to monitor soil moisture. In the heat you should water the young culture in the amount of one bucket, and the fruitful - 30-40 liters. After the polling, it is recommended to braid soil and ridate weed grass.

    Before harvesting, stop watering the shrub, otherwise the berries will appear an acidic taste.

    Secrets of growing gooseberry without spikes 20731_2
    Secrets of growing gooseberry without spikes Maria Verbilkova

    Adult shrubs feed once a year with a prepared solution consisting of water, superphosphate (50 g) and potassium sulfate (20 g), as well as ammonium sulfate (25 g). Add each plants half a compost.

    A shatter gooseberry has a highly thickened crown that needs to regularly cut forward and expose. For the second year of cultivation, swipe the forming trimming.

    The silent gooseberry fights a torment with a torment or sphere. It is necessary to spring the shrub of hot liquid (80 ° C) and forget about it forever.

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