Zelenograd Kinder Hall Club: all the most interesting and newesties - family education and new intensives in business school for teenagers profteen


Nine years ago, a comprehensive development club opened in the microdistrict. Here are more than thirty interesting areas for children and adults - from Latin American dances, a carpentry workshop to the game in th, mental arithmetic and aperture. Today we are talking to the director of the club Svetlana Loginov about new and no less interesting and promising directions, the need for a changing life suggested. On March 27 and 28, new super-intensives will be held for children and adolescents - read the details.

Zelenograd Kinder Hall Club: all the most interesting and newesties - family education and new intensives in business school for teenagers profteen 20719_1

It is important for me that children taught not just a professional, but a non-burnt professional

From September 1, 2021, on the basis of the club "Kinder Hall", the elementary school of family education begins to work - you can already be recorded. Family training is now more relevant. Parents choose for their children such a form of education for several reasons. Intensively develops a digital environment - online lessons and courses, electronic textbooks. Influenced the situation and coronavirus. And traditional school learning often disappoints - both the quality of knowledge, and the averaging of education, and the declared "individual approach" for each child with thirty students in the class is simply impossible. There are problems of relationships in the team. On the other hand, family education implies that responsibility for the quality of learning lies completely on parents.

- Why did you decide to open a family elementary school?

- At the request of parents, in demand - like everything that opens in our club. I can stating: many parents do not want to keep children to school. Especially the second child, if already passed through the school with the first, and received a negative experience. But that the child really got a good education and at the same time felt comfortable, the teacher should teach him, and not Mom. Just psychologically, and it is physically difficult to be a teacher for your child. We accompany, supervise family training, drive a child. He gets classic education, only in other than in the usual school, conditions, in another setting. Not bureaucratic, but good, cozy and creative.

- How is trained?

The first lesson begins at 9:00. We have comfortable, cozy, equipped with all necessary cabinets. In each class - no more than 12 students. This is a fundamentally important point, because indeed, and not declaratively provides individual approach and attention to each child. When in class 10-12 children, it is possible, firstly, to effectively organize a learning process, and secondly, children have significantly less stressful situations. In the first class four lessons, then lunch, walk and perform written homework - with the same A teacher who conducts classes. At three in the afternoon, the main lessons are made, and only the oral minimum remains on the house - for example, reading. This is the best option: And the children make lessons under the supervision of the teacher, and it is easier for parents - no time to spend time on it at home. And there is still time for rest, walking, different circles and creative or sports activities.

- What programs will you teach?

- Based on the educational program "Perspective", well advanced and complex. And in general, the synthesis of the best existing primary school programs. Mathematics, for example, in Peterson. The world around us is from the Russian School program.

- Does the teacher already have? Everyone is looking for a good teacher ... - Of course. The teacher with us is excellent, with the best recommendations from the former students and their parents, - Tatyana Borisovna. Previously, she worked in one of the best schools of Zelenograd. By the way, we have both preparations for school - zero class. Psychologists, neuropsychologist, spectatologist speech therapist, experienced commodity pedagogues work in our friendly team.

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- There is a common opinion that in any non-state school, the child will not have so much to learn how much, figuratively speaking, stroke the head. For what they pay for it.

- Yes, there is such. Therefore, I can't transfer my daughter-sixth grader to a private school - I do not like learning quality.

Choosing an elementary school, we, above all, choose the teacher. We teach truly aimed at the result and understand that children need not only a lecturer subjects, but a mentor and authority. The same Tatyana Borisovna - both the teacher and the educator, and Mary Poppins. It is important for me that children taught not just a professional, but an unbearable professional. Live, loving children and their work man. An adult, which shows the child, what is good and what is bad. You can write to school by phone: 8 (929) 525-77-33. Lid literally a couple of places.

Family elementary school

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"We want our children, and then the grandchildren did not become cheap workforce"

In Zelenograd, the first school of the future for teenagers profteen opened. Here you are learning to understand myself, awareness in choosing a future profession, success, asam of business. The course "Business" (from 10 years old) is a personal effectiveness, economy, personal finance, sales and advertising. Groups by age: 10-12, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18.

- What prompted you to open such an unusual school?

- This is a lot of my story and pain for young people who are completely starting to look for themselves after twenty years. Often by the time after graduating the faculty of jurisprudence, worked out by the day with a specialty without any desire and suddenly realizing that they want to "open a vegetarian cafe." And lawyers do not want to be altogether.

- You often faced the fact that a 16-18 year old person can not answer the question of who he could be?

- Very often they have no answer. And, perhaps, it is right, because the teenager does not look in herself, it knows a little about himself. He hears parental scenarios or common bright models. Well, as I previously wanted to become cosmonauts, and now bloggers. The tits looks at the ticks and says: "They earn money - I can also". And they do not think at all that, firstly, you need a certain unique content to make it possible. And secondly - and who is such a blogger? What is this profession? Usually, a teenager has no direct communication of knowledge and profession, knowledge and making money. It is important for us to show this connection.

- For this, specific examples are good.

Of course, therefore entrepreneurs come to us. From the same business community of Zelenograd. They will tell, as opened cafes, shops, hairdressers, photo showrooms and so on. But first you need to look into yourself, expand the horizons. Fantasize, simulate options for the development of your future.

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- From what age about it worth talking about it?

- You can start talking about ten years old. It becomes more relevant from 14. What do children want now? More pocket money and communicate, Profteen satisfies their request - this is a community for teenagers, where they find out how to earn, pump out our Soft Skills. And this is what the situation is. We work a lot, began to live better, our children live definitely better than we are at their age - in the material sense. They have a lot, but also much implanted, because it gets easily. And parents want children to appreciate their work and understood how they earn, what price it is given how much effort they spend. Therefore, we made a unique school for teenagers, where the guys can find ourselves, learn the basics of business and write a business plan for opening your business at the age of 16.

"Suppose a teenager says:" I want to earn already now. " What will you answer him?

I will analyze his skills and competences, consider the role-playing model, temperament, find out what the soul is in general. And then I will show and tell you that you will need to develop, how and how much it can earn now and in the future.

A simple example: my daughter was spreading leaflets. Plunged into the real world. I learned, for example, that there are evil concierge, which must be reported for work and so on. And earned at least a little, but your money.

It is very important to believe in yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to say that everything is real, it is with the younger generation. Adults are also helpful to listen, but they are often pessimists who know in advance that "nothing will happen." There are quite working schemes, and since the stage "I do not know how."

If the same teenager mastered some graphic editor - learned to correctly place the text, to write it competently, pick up, - he can already earn more than the spread of leaflets. Loves to photograph? Excellent. You can offer a photo session for any account. And so on - there are many options.

Zelenograd Kinder Hall Club: all the most interesting and newesties - family education and new intensives in business school for teenagers profteen 20719_5

- Do you only talk about successful experience? But even teenagers know that everything is not so simple in life.

- No, it is not necessarily career stories. This is about the profession, about life, about business. And in any life and case there are ups and downs. Business opens and closes - it is also informative, you need to know which "rake". We all have different source data, and the most valuable is the path you pass, and the experience that you get.

Ultimately, our school is not about business as an end. We want our children, and then grandchildren not cheap workforce, but to raise the country's economy. Opened production, agriculture and industry were established. Built a bright future, sorry for the loud words. And just would be professionals in any sphere. Not necessarily businessmen - good specialists primarily. Would be in place, they lived their lives, went to your favorite job and earned well.

Zelenograd Kinder Hall Club: all the most interesting and newesties - family education and new intensives in business school for teenagers profteen 20719_6

- How is communication and training in the club built? Live meetings of the Profteen exchange rate continue, ready to launch the next intensive "show yourself" on March 27, time of the dignity from 13:00 to 16:00 (12-14 years old) and March 28, time of study with 16:00 to 19:00 (14-16 years). We master new heights on intensive.

- "How do others see me?"; - "How to build life prospects?" - "How to understand your own and other people's emotions?" - "What professions are the most sought after?" - "How to monetize your hobby?"

Intensive leads Loginova S.S. .

The cost of participation 2000 rubles. Pre-recording is required by calling 8-929-525-77-33

We ask all the non-uniform parents of children from 10 to 18 years to participate in the survey, so that our course is as much as possible for your children.

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Share how you yourself started making money, and then became the director of the family club?

How to make money, I learned twelve years. My friend's mother held a tent on the Kryukovsky market, and she had constant problems with sellers. Once she asked us to come along the way from the gymnasium to the market, see how things are in the tent. We saw that the saleswoman in an insanitable state gives, relatively speaking, with thousands of rubles. Mom's friends reported, released the saleswoman home and began to trade themselves. So I learned how to make an inventory, to understand the product, learned purchase and retail prices. It was interesting. And then in the summer we worked in the country's cottage shop - the store opened every morning, sold products, bread. For the exit, we received rubles a hundred or eaten three "snickers" or "tweak".

There was an experience of an accountant from 16 years old (this is my secondary special education). In the summer, they arranged to work in a travel agency - Mom insisted that I just need to make a workbook. Thank you for the resourcefulness - I was in business and began to earn. He was engaged in monotonous work, introduced information to the base, led some nomenclature. Three months worked, offered to continue, but I was not interested.

The graduation work at the Institute has become a business plan for the opening of the children's center. Just the birth of the daughter was attempted to think about the Children's Developing Center. I then studied all the existing Zelenograd and understood - there is no such, where I would like to drive my daughter.

I crossed my diploma. My teacher Anna Alexandrovna supported me then with the opening of the center, said: "If not you, then who then?" - At the moment when I only graduated from the institute, I was with a small child. The money was not particularly discovered, but she gave me something more - wings, for which she is infinitely grateful. She still helps me.

For six months, I asked the premises from Alexander Vladimirovich Raptovsky (NP Mzhk "Zelenograd"). Colorfully told about the project, about the future center, painted how it would be beautiful, thoughts already lived in it. And - about a miracle - in me and my idea was believed.

I was then 23 years old. At the same time, launching two projects: the family club "Kinder Hall" and the game room in the Panfilovsky shopping complex [in 2017 closed].

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Literally recently studied at the pedagogical university, now I study at the leading masters of innovative pedagogy. In parallel, my growth and the club appear new directions and projects - a family school and a school for adolescents PROFTEEN that is confirmation.

So everything is possible. It is necessary that a person who will give faith in herself will help to simulate the development options for a successful and happy future.

Complex Development Club "Kinder Hall"

Address: Zelenograd, Mzhk Corpus 533 (between 3 and 4 entrances) Phone: 8-929-525-77-33 Long work: Daily from 9:00 to 21: 00Syt: kinderholl.ru FiSebukinstagram

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