Governor Igor Babushkin checked the repair of the bridge through the prince


"Until this highway appears, we cannot fully reconstruct the airport bridge. In addition, residents of the hipster daily experience difficulties with expensive to work, school or kindergarten. Clear and delay the timing. By the end of the week I am waiting for a detailed schedule of work. We will control its observance weekly. Loofing is unacceptable, with the slightest retreat from the plan - we will take action. The object should be delivered on time: By September of this year, "Governor of the Astrakhan region Igor Babushkin said on his page.

Today, the overhaul of the bridge across the Tsarev River is organized at four points. Even in the New Year holidays, 30 workers of the subcontractor construction organization worked there, which was attracted at the end of last year to the profile of the main contractor who did not rule themselves with the work on the strategic object.

It is worth noting some comments by Astrakhans under the publication of the governor on his personal page.

Gregory Galyamov: "Who would not say, but Igor Yuryevich is well done. Initially, when only the bridge was closed for repairs, the contractors made measurements in Krasnodar on the main supports (incorrect, and they are not suitable). Igor Yuryevich had to take and order again, under its responsibility, an expensive order in Krasnodar. Just the Astrakhans do not know much and do not understand! How to lawy gets all the cones because of some, to put it mildly, specialists. "

Alexander Zhdanov: "Yes, there is no longer a schedule needed, but to work in three shifts! Install cameras! And release cameras on Shaumyan, in case not the delivery of the facility in September 2021! In May, there will be two years and made only 30%. We have become hostages of situations and sniplegate! You often come and longer stay, maybe you will start working with you! ".

Vlad: "With a crowd of complex traffic.

The governor asks the schedule,

Year has passed since the beginning of the construction

The pace of construction is not a bridal.

Igor Yuryevich, pluddly ...

Let Minstroy help with the bridge.

We are waiting for a schedule in Instagram,

Share the plan with us. "

Dmitry: "Igor Yuryevich, as soon as the minister of construction will begin with the bridge and end, it will be a lot. And how you arrive, 30 people work. How to leave, everyone scatters. Astrakhan is a dusty city, they love dust into the eyes here. "

SAZANCH__BO: "Chinese give all over the bridge, they will do everything in 2 days. And then in one place for several years thousands of years. "

Alexey: "The question is not the topic: when will the bridge over the River White Ilmen? Completely forgot about him. For the fourth year, I went already, the floor of the bridge was not there, so there is no. "

Svetlana Uvarova: "I think it would not hurt to take decisive control measures! Of course, balm on the heart that the governor was personally at the facility! But we are all so asked to ride in terrible transport on the terrible route that we would like to learn weekly about the work of work from the supervisory authorities! And buses are needed in the hipster and towards Kamyaka! Not on what we ride! Old men are tormented, they can not ride in minibuses! The legs do not bend, the backs hurt, hands do not hold! Help solve the problem! ".

N.NELSSONS: "Dear Igor Yuryevich! You can forgive ignorance of the right name of the Tsarevsky bridge, as a person who served the finished material, only read! But no in the city of Astrakhan Bridge with the name "Militia"! There is a Police Bridge in the target. Kirov - R. Kutum. Please do not repeat the mistakes of your illiterate subordinates! ".

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