How to visually distinguish cedar seedlings from pine

How to visually distinguish cedar seedlings from pine 20699_1

Coniferous species of trees are real long-livers in the world of plants: on average they live 150 years. However, pines can live 300-500 years, Siberian cedar - up to 600, and Lebanese and at all 1000 years.

In adulthood, the trees have many distinctive features, according to which they differ even a non-specialist. But so far the plants are young, they are so similar that they are mistaken when choosing a seedling is very easy. How to distinguish a cedar seedling from pine? This is our article.

Pine Features

This type of coniferous breed is quite common on the planet. Pine forests occupy huge territories in North America, Northern Europe, Siberia. In total, there are about 100 species, there are 10 in Russia, they occupy approximately part of the Siberian Taiga. The most popular view is Siberian pine or, as it is more often called cedar. The plant belongs to the family of pine, pine tree. On average, it lives up to two centuries, reaching a height of 25-40 m. It is this coniferous breed that gives famous cedar nuts. From an adult large tree, you can collect up to 1500 cones, each of which reaches up to 7 cm.

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Pine cedar belongs to monochemical plants. This means that the male and female breeding bodies are on the same tree, only arranged on different branches and differ in appearance. "Blossom" takes place in May-June. In natural conditions, pine fertures no earlier than 10 years of life.

If damage appears on the tree, the plant, healing the wound, forms a rosette on it, from which the needle grows over time. The bumps have an oblong shape and hang from the branches. But the colors of each instance can be very different because it depends on external conditions: climate and soil composition. Therefore, pines can be saturated green, and gentle-silver.

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Cedar cones who, as we have already found out, gives precisely cedar pine, very good for health. They are:

  • dozens of vitamins, microelements and other substances, acting on the body as a powerful lining agent;
  • Remove inflammation;
  • Effectively restore the body after stress, heavy diseases, operations;
  • Great blood is perfect and act as a vasodilator.

If we talk about the quality of wood as a building material, it is significantly inferior to the present cedar and in color, and by texture:

  • It is more difficult to process;
  • It is susceptible to a strong dryer, as a result of which deep inesttic furrows appear;
  • Wood is not as strong as cedar, over time it becomes gray and loses a pleasant coniferous fragrance.

The main characteristics of the cedar

Cedar is a decorative evergreen plant, also related to the family of pine, but the kind of cedar. These trees prefer the tropical climate and are widespread on the Black Sea coast, in the countries of the Mediterranean, in the mountainous regions of Asia and Africa.

How to visually distinguish cedar seedlings from pine 20699_4

Cedar is a powerful air purifier. In cedar thickets, pathogenic microflora does not multiply. Not a gift to people suffering from light diseases, it is recommended to breathe healing air of cedar thickets. Here it is worth clarifying: cedar really cleans the air, but is at the same time vulnerable to high chemical contamination of the atmosphere. Therefore, it is not worth to count on the fact that with the help of 2-3 cedars planted on the household site, you can handle the emissions of some industrial enterprise located behind the fence. In this case, the cedars will not survive.

Wood cedar has a pleasant pinkish tinge, a strong coniferous smell and a homogeneous texture, which makes it expensive and high-quality building material. Cedar is widely used not only in construction (especially good baths from this material: high temperatures in combination with cedar phytoncides perfectly clean and tone the body), as well as in the furniture and decorative industries.

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How to distinguish pine seedlings from cedar?

Young plants are very similar, so make a mistake when choosing (as well as becoming a victim of a dishonest seller) is easy. What details should be paid to make the right choice?

  1. Pines of Cellows are grouped up 3 pieces, the cedar always software 5. In addition, the cedar needles to the touch are much softer, and in color - more bright, emerald.
  2. At Kedra, from the second year of life, the length of each chewing reaches 7-10 cm, at pine to 4 years of life, the needles are short (up to 3 cm).
  3. The cedar barrel is reddish and smooth, pine - gray and rough.
  4. Cedar grows slower pine. This is noticeable at shorter distances between the increments, as well as by the fact that the crown looks more lure.
  5. Since cedar grows slower, then the height of its seedlings at the same age with pine will be different: pine will always be higher.
  6. Cedar at an altitude of 5-7 cm from the root cervix has a seal (this is a feature of growth), which is not in pine.
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What is better to choose?

In the first years of life, seedlings are vulnerable, require special shading and composition of the soil. The cedar in an adult condition looks more beautiful and is suitable for the realization of various landscape design ideas. However, he is more whimsically and more often in the first years of life. In addition, it grows slowly: no more than 30 cm per year.

How to visually distinguish cedar seedlings from pine 20699_7

With favorable climatic conditions (absence of heat and sufficient moisturizing), pine grows quickly - up to 1 m per year. Well, the most important thing - over time she will give nuts. However, if the climate is unfavorable, the seedlings are sick.

Another important point is pests and diseases, to deal with which is very difficult. The most dangerous are bugs-koroedy, rust needles, savings cancer and bubble rust. If you do not notice the problem at the very beginning, the treatment is almost useless. A system of preventive measures is needed.

Thus, if you decide to decorate your plot with coniferous trees, first weigh all the "for" and "against" and only then go to questions about how to distinguish a cedar seedling from pine, and where to buy it.

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