When you should resort to the vaccination "bridge" and how to do everything right


Good afternoon, my reader. To protect the tree from parasites and diseases, they must be instilled in a timely manner. One of the best options is an advent of a bridge with a diameter of a minimum of 3 cm. This species suitable for pear, apple, plums or alchi.

When you should resort to the vaccination
When you should resort to the vaccination "bridge" and how to make it right Maria Verbilkova

Plant vaccination. Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

Graft with a bridge provides enough reliable protection from:

  • essays of bark with parasites and rodents;
  • diseases caused by too strong baw in or improper;
  • solar burns;
  • Very low temperatures and sharp drops.

The vaccine bridge is made with ring-shaped removal of the bark from the tree. If only a part of the barrel or branch is bare, in this case the bran can simply process the drug from fungus. The vaccination will stop the movement of juice on damaged bark fragments. For this purpose, cuttings are taken from other trees that perform the role of "bridge" in the vaccination of the tree.

The cuttings for the vaccination of the tree bridge should be prepared late autumn or early spring with the beginning of thaw. If you cut the material for vaccination too early and immediately attach to the tree, it simply does not fit. When the first damage on the crust ring, you need to smear the damaged area of ​​the gardens for the garden, olphoua or paint on an oil basis. This will help the woods to hold out before the movement of the juice.

When you should resort to the vaccination
When you should resort to the vaccination "bridge" and how to make it right Maria Verbilkova

Cuttings. Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

Village by the bridge is carried out in May according to the following algorithm:

  1. Clean the damaged fragment of the wood from the smelting, wipe with a wet rag, but far from the edge of the cortex with a knife with a knife. It is necessary to do it most accurately, to even no longer damage the wood.
  2. We carry out and warm the vaccination cuttings to room temperature, we derive all the kidneys, then at both ends of the lead we make oblique cuts with a length of 3-4 cm.
  3. We make cuts in the form of the letter t on the cortex in the direction from top to bottom from the bare parts of the branch. Next, flexing the edges of the cut and put the end of the vaccine cutter there.

To see whether the vacuum material has passed, it will be possible only in days 20 after the vaccination. If the material has taken place, the lead in this case will be thicker. From the strapping it will be possible to completely get rid of about a month so that the tree does not get sick. As soon as the bandage is removed, it will not need to care for the vaccination. The most important thing is to clean the thrill from the bridges in time.

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