"Yes, you take it to your hands, what does he yell?!" - Why it is impossible to teach the child to hand


- Do not take up the hands of the child, then do not lose it!

- Yes, you take it to your hands, what is he yelling?!

These two phrases of some moms manage to hear one minute from the same person. And whether they have time and strength, might be sure to hint at the obvious manifestation of the policies of double standards. But once - you need to take care of a child who really requires attention.

However, the question of the child's teachings to the hands is relevant for almost every woman born in the post-Soviet space. Their Mothers themselves, who physically did not have enough time to donate their own baby.

Decree conditions were completely different, had to immediately introduce children to life, simply ignoring many of their needs. Therefore, for each young woman who is afraid to take a crumb to hands, stand her own mother and grandmother and their fear that such close contact will turn into the problem in the future.

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Just in case, it is better to remember immediately: it is impossible to teach the newborn to the hands. He was already born accustomed. Nine months Mom wears a child in herself, he gets used to her warmth and heartbeat, and at birth, it turns out to be deprived of all this.

In fact, even with very caring parents, the person will disagree all their subsequent life from such an degree of proximity. Even somehow weird to expect from the infant independence. He has a high need to contact with adults - the kid still did not really understand where he got.

In the first three months after birth, it is impossible to spoil the character of the permanent intimacy of the mother. This period is called the "fourth trimester". There are biological reasons for this.

The newborn seems to be "rushing" in the reliable hands of an adult. It is at the achievement of three months, it is immediately growing in front of the eyes, changes outwardly and acquires new skills.

Historical roots of Ubaukhukov

The teaching of the child from the hands was one of the signs of civilization. In 1853, the first baby stroller appeared in England, which was instantly gained popularity. The possibility of unloading the back first used representatives of the aristocracy. Moreover, noble lady cared not even about themselves, but about the nannies of their children.

Simple people also quickly picked up the idea. Folk craftsmen learned to pinch the carts, in which you could carry babies. In Russia, the strollers appeared only in the middle of the 20th century and they made them in German sample. Before this kids, parents wore.

In Russia, there was no such object known in many other countries as a sling. But Russian women also kept kids on themselves - in the Podol, or an apron. Hence the famous phrase appeared: "Brought in Podol."

When the baby was already sitting and did not need her motherhood milk, he had nursing senior girls - either sisters, or even a neighbor. They wore children on the hip, holding with one hand, the second was free. Mothers proceeded to fulfill their domestic duties fully.

The traditions of the lulling and mentaling of children remained in centuries. It was believed that if the child to shake in his hands before bedtime, he would be stronger and to sleep deeper and to suffer less than the tummy.

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People's culture of different countries knows many lullaby songs. It is singing, shaking, bodily proximity that soothing the sound of the mother's heartbeat was the key to the harmonious development of children.

What problems can solve simple wearing on hand

Children of the first months of life still do not know how to capricious. They have simple and specific needs, they are able to easily satisfy parents. Baby, whom Mom often takes on the handles, usually behave much calmer. They are better falling asleep, tight and sleep longer.

Body contact has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system. The child is much easier to transfers painful processes associated with gases and colic (if it turned out to be susceptible to the last thing).

The teething of teeth will also be not so unpleasant if at the moments of acute pain wearing a little sufferer in their hands. The intimacy of the mother as if signals - everything is fine, everything will end soon, you are not alone, you will not throw you. On the emotional plan, the kid feels great.

Many mothers note that their own mood is improving, when they take children to hand. And this has a beneficial effect on lactation. One already plentiful woman even remembered how he left the child to shout in the room, so as not to spoil unnecessary attention. He herself at that time was behind the door, he listened to crying and sobbed. At some point, she simply lost milk, but then she did not compare these events.

Why fear of learning to hands is not justified

The method of soft adaptation of the child to the world is to let him get it gradually. The first months of the kid remains the feeling that they and mom make up a single organism, so when she leaves, he has a feeling of terrible loss. But gradually the horizons become wider.

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Many parents even clearly realize the moment in which their "manual" kid suddenly became independent. This happens about nine months. The child understands that he is able to achieve almost all of its goals independently, without parental care. He becomes interesting to the world around him.

The crouch has already received enough tactile contact, he is confident in a strong psycho-emotional connection with her mother. So it's not scary to know the new one. The task of parents during this period is unobtrusively to protect, while giving enough freedom and showing his trust. The child will be easier when he understands: if that, mom or dad is near.

When the need for proximity is completely satisfied, it is not necessary for it to keep the hardest. If the parents limited the manifestations of feelings, the child will demand them. And occasionally getting, starts to demand more and more. He was not satisfied. Therefore, it is better not to hurry with the return to the usual life immediately after delivery, but slow down and stay with your baby fully.

How not to handle your own health while you wear a baby on my hands

Another argument against close contact with the crumb is the health of the mother's back. She was loaded pregnancy, childbirth, and then a constantly growing child "registered" in her arms.

It is important to immediately take care of yourself - a bigger lie and not to carry extra gravity. And then many immediately from the maternity hospital run to the stove, to the store, raise the stroller with a baby along the steps.

The quality of the parent depends on the restoration of the body after delivery. Therefore, the first rule is to lie as much as possible. Ask relatives to take on household questions.

A few months after childbirth, depending on the well-being, you can start making small exercises to restore the muscles of the back and the pelvic bottom. It would be nice to connect and massages.

In order for the wearing of a child not to become an agonizing process, you can use good slings and erggyukzaki quality. It is easier to learn to the sling once again than the years to treat your back.

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It is better to choose natural materials, ergonomic forms and guided not only by positive reviews of other parents, but also recommendations of medical professionals.

It should be remembered that the mother's hands are beautiful. But the safety of the kid is above all. Therefore, it is not worth it, for example, to grab the child to complete the move from the car chairs. It is better to stop the car quickly if possible, find out the reasons for crying and put / plan the main passenger back. Mom let him sit beside him, talking to him, strokes the handles, brushes, sings ... Do not risk life for tactile contact.

The most difficult for mom in the "teaching hand" is the moment when the child has grown and no longer needs her arms. When he runs with all his feet for his business, such a business and adult, short in comparison with the whole life, the period of the techs is remembered with longing. No need to deprive themselves these few months, they need both mom and baby.

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