This machine can accelerate to 532 km / h, and you did not even hear about it


When it comes to put a speed record, it is not enough to simply supply the engine more powerful, rubber down and glue the "Street Racing" sticker on the rear window. For this you need years of work and millions of dollars invested money. It was so necessary that such informal competitions are the lot of enthusiasts and it fits poorly into the policies of large companies. From here we get that the fastest car on Earth is not BMW, Mercedes, Toyota and not even Ferrari. Moreover, even Bugatti is no longer the owner of a world speed record for serial cars. Now this proud title carries a car with a little-known Tuatara name, which is not much more than a massive company SHELBY SUPER CARS. The mark of 500 kilometers per hour fell, when this car drove to the track to fix the record. But what is this car and why is she so fast?

This machine can accelerate to 532 km / h, and you did not even hear about it 20674_1
Such a car little will know without preparation.

The fastest car

Continuing the topic of little-known cars, you want to bring some more names that are considered the main competitors of SSC TUATARA. Bugatti Veyron is probably known to everyone, but models like Hennessey Venom GT, vector WX-8, Dagger GT and Koenigsegg Agena R, are familiar with the most interested in cars.

All these cars easily step over a mystical mark of 300 km / h. Some with no less ease are moving over 400 km / h. But now the world has a SHELBY Super Cars creation, which exceeded 500 km / h - the speed on which many turboprop aircraft can easily overtake.

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Of course, absolute speed records are easily passing for significantly important values. That's just now we are not talking about a trolley with a jet engine that was created only to get into the accident Richard Chemand, but about the car, on which every day you can ride a job. Well, or where there will be its owner.

This machine can accelerate to 532 km / h, and you did not even hear about it 20674_2
Inside such a car also looks quite extravagant.


SSC TUATARA is a SHELBY Super Cars car. She was founded by Gherod Shelby in 1999, earning the first serious money on the sale of medical equipment.

The first car of the company became SSC Ultimate Aero, the first prototypes of which came out in 2004. He also showed a very high speed, but when in 2010 Bugatti beat this record, it was decided to make a new car so that he brought the company the rank of the fastest designer.

This machine can accelerate to 532 km / h, and you did not even hear about it 20674_3
This is the first SSC car.

For the first time, SSC Tuatara was introduced in 2011 in the Chinese city of Shanghai during the opening of the first SSS official dealer. Later, the car was officially represented in the United States. It happened at the Beach Beach contest in the city of Monterey. The first prototype of the car left the gate of the plant in 2014, after that there was a long process of refinement, but the car is being made to this day. The party cannot be called big, because it consists of only 100 cars.

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What does tuatara mean

SSC Ultimate Aero TT 2 - This name was worked and later changed it to Tuatara. So called Reptile, which lives in New Zealand. Perhaps this name was chosen due to how this word is translated from Maori. It means "peaks on the back" and perfectly suited to the appearance of the car. The author of such a design was the chef designer of the Swedish company Saab Jason Castrith. As they say, who would have thought that drawing such calm cars like Saab, the designer would be able to so boldly express themselves in the Tuatara design. However, he also marked with work in PinInfarina and Bertone.

This machine can accelerate to 532 km / h, and you did not even hear about it 20674_4
In many ways, thanks to these wings, the car has received its name.

Another reason to name the car in honor of this low-prolonged reptile became the fact that it can very quickly change their DNA. This also very well reflects the philosophy of the company, which develops quite quickly by car standards. And at the same time hints at strong differences from the first SSC car.

Record speed on the serial car

The SSC Tuatara speed record was put on one of the highway of the American Nevada State. It happened on October 10, 2020. To fix the record, a special 11-kilometer portion of excellent asphalt was used.

This machine can accelerate to 532 km / h, and you did not even hear about it 20674_5
Dispersed such a device up to 500 km / h This is really achievement.

As it usually happens, the average speed went to the offset. To calculate it, the speed of the car was recorded first in one direction, and then in the opposite. After that, it remained only to take the arithmetic meaning. The resulting value was 508.73 km / h.

At the same time, on the way in one direction, the SSC TUATARA speed was 484.53 km / h, and on the way back it was 532.93 km / h. In both races behind the wheel of the car was Oliver Webb. This difference seemed to many strange, but there was no "relief" yet. However, it is clear that Tuatara is the fastest car in the world.

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When choosing a motor, the company opens its choice on the V8 layout with a double turbocharger. As a result, the power of the power plant reached 1750 horsepower, and the torque is 1818 nm. At the same time, the engine weighs only 194 kilograms, and the entire car is 1247 kilograms.

This machine can accelerate to 532 km / h, and you did not even hear about it 20674_6
Under the hood, Tuatara is fine.

It should be noted that it would be impossible to end the engine power to such extreme values. Temperature, pressure and load grow to proven values. Therefore, various cast parts were used as the engine parts, and the outlet valves and a turbine wheel were used and made at all from austenitic superplava based on nickel and chromium. To be clearer, I will say that such materials are used in Merlin engines combustion chambers, which drive the most famous Spacex rocket - Falcon 9.

The SSC Tuatara engine is aggregated by either a 7-speed manual gearbox H-PATTERN, or a 7-speed sequential robotic SMG transmission with multi-disc clutch.

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You can bring some more interesting numbers. For example, Tuatara wheels are made of carbon and weigh only 5.8 kg, and the connecting rods are made of a special titanium alloy and cost more than 10,000 dollars per set of 8 pieces.

This machine can accelerate to 532 km / h, and you did not even hear about it 20674_7
1 900,000 dollars (approximately 140,000,000 rubles) and it is yours.

How much is the fastest car in the world

Well, of course, at the end it is worth telling about the price. I have already said how much the engine connecting rods and it would be possible to assume that the whole car costs just space money. In fact, it is, and it is, and for the car is asked 1.9 million dollars, but the amount is not so exempted against the background of how much they ask for some other supercars. I have already talked about this in a separate article.

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Nothing, but if you do not need anyone to prove anyone and proudly say that you have the fastest car in the world, it is not worth buying such a car. The big empistance is made precisely for speed, and not on general running characteristics. It is clear that a simple person will not feel the difference. But as a machine for a track and simply pleasure from a combination of power and manageability, you can choose many other cars that will cost at times cheaper, and at the same time not to guess.

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