Causes of changing strawberries and how to protect plants


    Good afternoon, my reader. Some gardeners have a strawberry in the plots. Why this happens, let's try to figure out.

    Causes of changing strawberries and how to protect plants 20673_1
    Causes of changing strawberries and how to protect plants Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The causes of the death of garden strawberries are several:
    • Diseases and pests: bushes, damaged by parasites and diseases, are seriously survived in winter.
    • Soil: The plant prefers to grow on a neutral soil, and from an increased level of acidity, the bushes can freeze.
    • The age of bushes: age bushes die more often, because the plants have a growth point towers over the soil.
    • "Inappropriate" grade: pick up the types of strawberries capable of growing in your climatic zone. Pay special attention to the frost resistance of the variety.
    • Weather conditions: with honest winter and harsh frosts, the risk of freezing the berry is increased.
    • Thaw: sharp drops of winter temperatures also adversely affect bushes.
    • Repairing varieties: This strawberry spends its strength on repeated crops, and winter time does not always tolerate.
    • Wrong plant care leads to the difficulties of wintering.

    Cut the trim correctly:

    1. Remove the affected and dried foliage.
    2. If you decide to completely cut, then make this procedure in August.
    3. The height of the cropped stems should be at least 7-10 cm.
    4. Cut branches with a secaterator or scissors.
    5. Remove the mustache. If they need to reproduce, leave a pair of sockets located closer to the bush.
    6. Young bushes do not cut off, and must surely remove the mustache.

    During the autumn period, constantly water the berry. If dry weather is, since October, we regularly carry out a regular watering in the amount of 6-7 liters of liquid per 1 kV. m beds.

    Causes of changing strawberries and how to protect plants 20673_2
    Causes of changing strawberries and how to protect plants Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry watering. (Photo used by standard license ©

    After trimming, adopt the plant with organic fertilizers.

    Wood ash. Prepare a solution of 1 l of the ash powder and a bucket of hot water. Within 2-3 days, it must be broken. Pour the root (0.5-1 l on the bush).

    Bird litter. Dilute with water at the rate of 1:20. For two days, let it stand, water the aisle in the volume of 1 liter under the bush.

    Mullein. Make a solution from cow manure and water (1:10). A day later, irrigate the bushes with a solution. Do not water the leaves.

    Young plants and repairing varieties are required shelter. And winter-hardy varieties should simply be meditated.

    Mulching is desirable to conduct after the first freezing. After mulching, cover the bunches in need of shelter, spunbond. Please note that bushes should not come into contact with the material, so that in the territory, set the low arcoid frame and pull the spunbond. Strengthen the shelter so that it is not taken by the wind.

    Causes of changing strawberries and how to protect plants 20673_3
    Causes of changing strawberries and how to protect plants Maria Verbilkova

    Mulching. (Photo used by standard license ©

    If all the same plants are frozen, try to reanimate them:

    1. First of all, we break the territory to all the roots of wet. Spend this procedure several times, but after each watering, wait until the fluid is completely absorbed.
    2. Adopt the bushes with any nitrogen: nitroammophos or ammonium nitrate, and you can also take urea. Divide strictly according to the instructions. The same mortar adopt in two weeks and during the flowering of bushes. You can use the organic matter: a divorced cowboy or to use the catching grass.
    3. Spray leaves with any growth stimulator.
    4. Soil inspirate with a compost or rewinding a cow. This mulch will serve as an organic fertilizer.

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