Autodists listed errors when buying cars from dealers


On the Internet you can meet many sad stories about how buyers of new cars came across dealer traps. Experts of the portal "Avtovzallov" called the five most frequent mistakes when buying a new car.

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First of all, you need to give up purchases from the so-called "gray" dealers, you should always contact only official car dealerships. "Gray" dealers are more difficult to draw responsibility in the event of disagreements, since they cannot complain to the representatives of the automaker and distributors.

It is better not worth buying a car from available in stock, because in this case you can overpaid up to several hundred thousand rubles for unnecessary options. Experts advise to order a car in that configuration and with that equipping that comes directly to you. In this case, you will have to wait a bit of the car, but you can save money.

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In addition, experts recommend not to forget to bargain a little, ask for a discount when buying, especially if we are talking about machines in medium and rich equipment. If you do this competently and tactfully, the seller very often goes on concessions, making a discount or giving additional equipment.

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It is also very important to carefully study the contract of sale and all other documents. It is especially necessary to pay attention to points about the final value of the machine, the timing of the transfer of vehicle and the dealer responsibility.

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When receiving a car, you need to carefully examine it for damage, faults and compliance with the order. It is necessary to study literally every centimeter of the body, since the machines are often damaged during transportation. And it will not be superfluous to put on all buttons in the cabin, inspecting the operation of the systems. About any deviations need to immediately report to the seller: it is much easier to solve the problem on the spot, rather than after signing the act of reception.

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If everything is in order, it will not be superfluous to verify the VIN-code of the car on the body with the number prescribed in the PTS - you never know the dealer confused the machine or document.

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