Deputy from LDPR hopes for the emergence of ministers of professionals in the Saratov region

Deputy from LDPR hopes for the emergence of ministers of professionals in the Saratov region 20651_1
Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma from LDPR Stanislav Denisenko Photo Roman Pyatakov

Today, February 17, the deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma from LDPR Stanislav Denisenko commented on the IA "Free News" correspondent, the situation with the dismissal of the three ministers of the social bloc from the regional government.

"The situation is extremely strange. I think it is atypically for the politics of any region. In general, we can talk about what apparently there is a weak personnel selection. I understand that all three ministers did not cope with the tasks and turned out to be outsiders of the current political design. Indeed, today we see that the regional government, which faced modern problems, unfortunately, does not always cope, or does not always cope well. Apparently, Valery Vasilyevich [Governor of the Saratov region - approx. Ed.] Adopted such a difficult decision, severe political plan, indicating that all three are not able to lead our region to a bright future. The current situation does not paint the Saratov region across the country, "said Denisenko's deputy.

According to the representative of the LDPR, ministers that will soon be appointed to vacant posts, should offer the population a clear program for the development of its direction.

"The LDPR faction repeatedly pointed to the need to create a design, in which each minister and official would have answered the front of work. I would not answer not virtually, but specifically, with approved execution timing. Unfortunately, those recent changes in the government of the region, in the form of appointing new deputy rooms, showed us a small readiness of new personnel to solve the tasks, "said Denisenko.

  • On February 16, 2021, the governor of the Saratov region signed a resolution on the dismissal "at his own request" of the Minister of Labor and the Social Development of the Sergey Naumov region, the Minister of Cultina Tatiana Garanina and Minister of Education Irina Sedovoy.
  • The deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma from the Communist Party of the Saratov Regional Duma was already expressed his opinion on this issue.

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