5 secrets of growing pelargonium

5 secrets of growing Pelargonium Domadeal

Pelargonium is one of the favorite and popular indoor plants. Often the Pelargonium is called geranium. Let's talk about how to grow a beautiful pelargonium bush at home.

To begin with, we note the undoubted advantages of Pelargonium:

  • unpretentious care;
  • long blossom;
  • The plant has no pronounced rest period, in which Pelargonia requires special conditions;
  • Pelargonium almost always has a beautiful decorative look;
  • easily multiplied with stalling;
  • For summer, you can land a pelargonium into an open ground, for example, in the garden or to the cottage.

Pelargonia growing secrets

Lighting Pelargonium

Pelargonium refers to light-chapter room plants. The lightest and sunny place rightfully should belong to Pelargonium. If the sunlight lack of sunlight, the pelargonium trunk is disproportionately and begins to reset the leaves. At this point, I would like to note, Pelargonium does not tolerate the temperature below 11-12 degrees. At low ambient temperatures, Pelargonia ceases to bloom.

Watering Pelargonia

Good and competent watering of pelargonium is the key to successful cultivation. In spraying from the sprayer, Pelargonium does not need. But with irrigation, you need to be more attentive, as Pelargonium is still a vacant, especially in the period of summer heat. But still, Pelargonium is more sensitive to Pereliva, from which the appearance of the root or barrel rotted the appearance of the root than drought.

Pelargonia fertilizer

Pelargonium loves to eat delicious! I recommend paying attention to nitrogen fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. Frequent feeding 1-2 times in 7-10 days are needed by a plant. For winter and autumn time, try not to interrupt the fertilizer, only to reduce its dosage indicated on the package.

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5 secrets of growing Pelargonium Domadeal
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5 secrets of growing Pelargonium Domadeal

Mistress Plant Balova L.

Pruning, shilling Pelargonium

This is something without anything. In rejuvenation, Kuste Pelargonium needs decorative considerations.

With the onset of autumn or early in the spring, we cut off Pelargonia's top, roaring it in water or immediately in the soil. After cutting, Pelargonium should give side shoots, thereby the bush becomes magnificent.

Frequent problems of Pelargonium:
  • Yellow spots on the leaves - a rust appeared. It is necessary to bother with nitrogen fertilizers, yellow leaves delete.
  • The trunk stretched out - lack of light and fertilizer.
  • The trunk darkened, became soft - it began to rot from excess moisture.
  • Gray raid on the leaves - the fungus struck the plant, urgently treated with fungicide.

Thanks for attention!

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