Currant is mines - reveal the reasons and eliminate


    Good afternoon, my reader. Currant - a storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, in each garden there is at least one bush of this wonderful berry. We rejoice when the berry is large, - it is easy to collect it, and there is nice. And upset when she starts to fine. Moreover, it is typical for all varieties of currant: black, red, white and pink.

    Currant is mines - reveal the reasons and eliminate 20621_1
    Currant is mines - reveal the reasons and eliminate Maria Verbilkova

    At first glance, this is a very unpretentious plant. But still do not forget about feeding bushes at least three times a season. In the spring - any complex fertilizer or hood from biohumus. You can replace this with a compost. After collecting berries, connect potassium sulfate and superphosphate (proceed according to the instructions). In the autumn around the bush, the land is good together with compost and ash. During the season, with watering, you can add a solution of chicken litter and grass (every 2-3 weeks).

    Currant is although it is considered a long-lived bush, but everything comes to an end. The maximum period of fruiting is 6-8 years. A bush over 14 years old must be removed. This applies to black currant. Red, white and pink live longer. They are fruitful 6-8 years, depending on the care. Get rid of them for 16-18 years.

    Good care, regular feeding, timely trimming and prevention of diseases will help the currants longer to delight a large berry and a good harvest.

    Currant is mines - reveal the reasons and eliminate 20621_2
    Currant is mines - reveal the reasons and eliminate Maria Verbilkova

    Knowing the life of a shrub, prepare in advance to their replacement. Cut the shilling. Young bushes can be planted at the age of 3-4 years.

    Poor pollination may occur in the following cases:

    • rainy cold weather;
    • freezing;
    • During flowering, the bushes were treated with potent drugs.

    Insect pollinators do not arrive at the bush and the umbrellas will be very small, including this affects the size of the berries.

    Try to plant bushes on solar warm areas. Preferably different varieties. Loam insects will help a simple way - spray currant bush while flowering sweet water (water with sugar or water with honey). This will attract pollinators and will have a positive effect on the future crop.

    Extend the bush longevity will help timely trimming. She loves it. It is necessary to remove old elongated branches. Do not allow "thickening" bush. As experienced gardeners say, the air "should walk" between the branches.

    Currant is mines - reveal the reasons and eliminate 20621_3
    Currant is mines - reveal the reasons and eliminate Maria Verbilkova

    Rejuvenation is carried out on the tenth year of the bush. Green young twigs leave, and old, with a fire-bore, can be removed using a secaterator. Pruning is better to carry out in the fall, after harvesting or early spring to flowering.

    If the currant bush does not inspire you trust, risk - completely cut out the above-ground part. It also makes late autumn or early spring. Plush the ashes on top, cover straw or rewinding. With the onset of heat in this place, fresh processes should go.

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