Top 5 mobile applications for top managers


A smartphone for a modern person is not just a convenient device, and the entry point is to all processes, workers and personal. Literally for each task there are separate services and applications. The choice is sometimes so wide that it is easily lost in it. But if a person leads the company, there is no right to make a mistake - on how quickly it will be in touch, as a clearly plans his day, the success of his business depends. Tell about the most interesting applications for top managers.

Top 5 mobile applications for top managers 20593_1

Tracker habits

In the life of the head, like any person, a lot of routine. It is not bad, it's just a fact: everyday small questions need to be systematically solved, otherwise they risk turning into a snowball problem. My lifehak - produce habits. Now I do this using the LOOP service. Works on the principle of tasks planners: you enter a certain action in the application, which you want to make a habit, and track it. For example, daily work with documents or something from personal cases - earlier to stand up, make a charge, read the book. There is a reminder function that can be configured to yourself and with the frequency you need. The built-in algorithm measures the strength of habits, I analyze its effectiveness on it. At first it was something like an ordinary calendar, but then turned into a game of cultivation. If on some day I miss the early rise or do not have time to sign the necessary paper, the progress weakens. You also have to catch up with yourself. If I start to perform the planned permanent basis, the strength of the habit is growing. At the end of the week, I watch charts and analyze how every action is fixed with time. Plus minimalistic interface, nothing superfluous. Well, impresses the lack of advertising, which pops up in some other applications and distracts.

Music and meditation

When you need to abstract from the outside world, focus on the task and relax the brain, I listen to music. Finding good "workers" tracks that create the desired background and do not distract, it turned out difficult. Such music is not remembered, it does not pronounce, does not cause any vivid emotions, so it is almost not written.

I tried a lot of audioservices and stopped at Focus @ Will. The whole essence in the technology selection of tracks based on neurology, the combination of players of instrumental music with dynamics of performance during the day. There are ten musical threads, under each user, based on its preferences, a unique audio track is formed, which balances internal and external attention. The first is responsible for the task of which I work at the moment, and the second is in constant searching for potentially dangerous for the body of the external incentives "Bay or Run". With this service easier and faster it turns out to solve a large stream of routine tasks, it also helps to tune in before important meetings, negotiations, performances. Other cutting services, such as Spotify, Apple Music and the like, also good, but play-sheets they have universal; Such an effect of "shutdown" from the outside world and the concentration of attention they do not give.

Aggregator Professional News

The modern world is very fast, we live in a constant newsflow, from which it is important to get a maximum of useful and not spend time reading absolutely everything to just be aware. For this, I use the Nuzzel application. I like that the program is designed with an eye on specialists in one area or another and knows how to drain information noise. As a result, I receive only the news that I was interested in and important. I work in the field of Finteha, so IT has been signed for news, technological companies, banking sector, finance. The one who needs, for example, only information from the legal area can set the necessary filters and receive only it. In the search bar, here you can drive professional terms, such as "venture capital" or "digital economy", and monitor the news containing only these words. Directly from the application it is convenient to share an interesting news with colleagues, so this is also an element of nonifying. Often it uses to discuss some new markets, approaches, products. In essence, Nuzzel is similar to a marketing analysis tool - it can be monitored by competitors or learn about the trends that are in the market. If there is no time to think about it or you want to return to it, I fix it at the top and later in a relaxed atmosphere in detail.


During Lokdaun, almost all working activity took place in the messengers. We transferred all employees to the remotely to the official quarantine, we decided not to risk, now part of the team is working remotely. Therefore, without constant communication in the network in any way. Our main working chat rooms in Telegram, I love this service for its convenience and functionality: text, voice, videosophies, channels for operational ads. It works stably, constantly appear new chips. Among other things, this service has made our Russian developers; This is especially nice. Separate theme - channels in Telegram. This is a new type of media, a separate industry. Of course, information is found, just say, of different quality, but I always try to filter and look for interesting sources. We also have your own channel - "What Burlakov is talking about", there we are with brother Cyril and colleagues share analytics in the market, interesting stories from the world of Finteha.

Less frequently, I also use WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. I have personal contacts, and business. For video conferencing - Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

Social networks

It is difficult to single out something one thing - each social network has its own tasks. With blocking in Russia Linkedin, Facebook became a placebook location and communicating business community. I love to read colleagues: they have a wide range, an interesting look at the events in the market, in general, the situation in the economy in the world. The collective mind in this sense is a cool thing. There, I find new business contacts through profile groups and general friends, several times it was at FB who found good specialists, invited us. In my account, too, I share observations, some pleasant personal moments, I tell about family, wife and sons.

I read "Habr" with great interest. This is essentially the only playground in RuNet with such a powerful collective examination in IT. In our company, strong development, we pay a lot of attention precisely the technical side of the products, so it is important for me to be aware. I read blogs of companies, such as watching colleagues from Positive Technologies, with which we cooperate and participate with our payment processing in their event The Standoff. I find a lot of interesting things in the Hab "Payment Systems", for our own development I read about space, artificial intelligence, technology of the future.

I also regularly look at, Intagram leads. Of course, the time on the social network is limited to me, but I still try to find it, because I see in them primarily a working tool.

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