How did Karley Simon played in Gadayku and mowed the advantages of James Bond?

How did Karley Simon played in Gadayku and mowed the advantages of James Bond? 20555_1
Carli Simon Photo:

In the 1970s, Carli Simon was not only a very popular singer, but also a very attractive woman. Of course, such a combination caused the public from the public with an overturned interest in the personal life of the celebrity, which is unwittingly transferred to her creativity. An inhabitant is always curious to know how such a man is dedicated to one or another love song (because many singer's songs wrote itself and from their face).

"You're So Vain" (1972)

The greatest peres caused (and still causes) the most famous song Carly Simon called "You're So Vain". She came out by the Single in 1972 and became for the singer the first and last American hit number 1.

At first Karly called the song "Bless You, Ben" and she began in words: "Bless you, Ben, for what you came up when no one stopped." However, the text of the singer did not like, and she composed a new one, where a sense of gratitude to a man was changed by caustic sarcasm.

The idea came to Simon when she was present at one of the parties, which some famous guest visited. Guest looked so pompous that one of the friends of the singers said: "Look, he behaves as if he went to his own yacht."

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Disc Cover Scan

So the song has a new topic and the new name "You're So Vain" ("You are so self-limted"). I will give the text almost completely by providing it with comments.

Translation - Aleksandra_S:

You came to the party as if I climbed my own yacht. The hat deliberately covers one eye and an apricot color scarf. One eye you followed the mirror as you dance Gavot. [1] And all girls dreamed of "I wish him a partner!" And you are such a narcissist. Surely you think this song is about you. Such a narrow! It is ready to argue, you think this song is about you. Is not it? You met with me a few years ago, when I was still pretty naive. You said then from us turned out to be a great couple and that you will never leave. But you diluted all things that I loved, and one of them was me. Yes, I had dreams, only the clouds in my coffee ... [2] ... Well, I heard you participated in Saratog [3]. And, of course, your horse won. Then you sent your Learjet [4] to a new Scotland to view the complete eclipse of the Sun [5]. You are always there where you should be, and if not, you mean with some gangster spy or with my wife's best friend ... ... 1 - Gavot - French dance, when the partners move the chain, holding hands. 2 - This image appeared when Simon flew in an airplane with his pianist Billy Mernitis. The singer drank coffee, and Mernit remarked: "Look, clouds are reflected in your coffee." 3 - This refers to the racetrack in Saratog Springs (pcs. New York). Racing in Saratog - a certain analogue of races in the British escot, which only the elite visits. 4 - "Lyrjet" - a stamp of the aircraft. By the way, this plane, as a symbol of wealth, is mentioned in the song Pink Floyd "Money". On July 5 - 10, 1972, there was a complete solar eclipse, which could be observed in the Canadian province of New Scotia.

However, the most listeners were interested in the name of a man who was led under a rich-daffyssass mask. Among the applicants were called David Bowie, David Cassidy, Cathie Stevens, Mika Jagger (he performed a batch of back vocals at the Studio recording of the song) and even the singer's husband - James Taylor. Regarding the last Simon immediately said:

This is definitely not about him, although James could think like that. After all, he is so vain.

The singer at all initially refused to clarify the situation, resting that this is a portrait portrait, at least three men. However, subsequently began to skillfully use the curiosity of the public, while holding the intrigue throughout his career. For example, it mentioned that the scarf of the apricot color was actor nickname (familiar to the Soviet viewer on the film "The abyss" of 1977), while not claiming that he was led by the song.

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Scan Cover magazine "People" July 17, 1978

Began a real game in Gadayku. In 2003, the singer arranged a real auction about this. NBC Sports President Dick Ebersol, who paid 50 thousand dollars won it. After that, the winner signed a confidentiality agreement, and Carly reported to him, about whom, "You're So Vain". The rest of the public of the singer left only tips, stating that there are letters E, A and R.

In 2010, Carli Simon skillfully rooted interest in his new album "Never Been Gone", announcing that there you can hear the name she pronounces in a whisper. Many heard the name "David" and decided that we were talking about producer David Hepfena, but the singer rejected this hypothesis.

In 2013, she reported the name of the singer Taylor Swift after their joint concert, but again exclusively confidentially.

In 2015, in order to draw attention to the exit of his memoirs, Carly Simon, finally, decided to reveal the name of one of the prototypes. She said that the second coupler was dedicated to Aktera Warken Beatti (Bitty himself said that he had never doubted this), but the names of the other two men remained unknown.

The last portion of the information was the publication of the 4th 2-minded dock "You're So Vain", which did not get into the final version:

Your friend discovered me that you loved me all the time, you kept it secretly from my wives and did not consider it a crime ...

Learn how for 40 years you can catch "Haip" on one song!


From other musical hits Karly Simon, it is impossible not to mention the song "Nobody Does It Better", which became the theme of the next film about James Bond "Spy, who loved me." It was the first case in the history of "bondians", when the name of the song did not coincide with the name of the film (though, it is mentioned in one of the verses).

It is clear if you consider that the composer Marvin Hamish and Poetess Carol Bayer did not compose this song specifically for Bondiana. But she attracted the film to the producer, and they reworked the text a little, inserting the same identifiable line there: "The spy that loved me."

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Disc Cover Scan

At first, the song was offered to perform Dusty Springfield, but for some reason she could not write it down. As a result, Carly Simon got into his repertoire the second major hit, which took 2nd place in the United States. The song chased the men's advantages of the Bond, and the refrain "no one does it better" was very attractive to use the song in different commercials.

"Nobody Does It Better" admired the performer of the role of Bond - Roger Moore, and Radiohead vocalist - Tom York - considered it "the sexiest song from ever written."

Translation - Tanya Grimm from St. Petersburg:

No one does it better, and I am sad for the rest. No one does it even half as well as you. Babe, babe, dear, you're better than everyone ...

"You Belong To Me" (1978)

In conclusion, I want to draw your attention to another big hit Carly Simon - "You Belong to Me" ("You belong to me"). In his sound, he is something akin to the song "Smooth Operator" (1984). The same swinging rhythm and calm romantic entanglements. Oddly enough, the topic of this song is not so peaceful - it concerns jealousy and flirting "on the side."

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Disc Cover Scan

Interestingly, this song Carlie composed in co-authorship with Michael McDonald, and each of the co-authors recorded their version. Therefore, depending on the artist, the president's floor changed: "You do not need to prove to me that you are beautiful (beautiful) for strangers."

The first version was recorded McDonald with his group The Doobie Brothers on the 1977 album. And next year, You Belong To Me released Simon - and in the single, so its version reached the 6th place of the American hit parade.

Author - Sergey Kuriy

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