Activists asked the Turkish company to abandon the construction of a garbage incorporation plant in Hmetiyevo. Everyone can send the same letter


The initiative group of residents from Solnechnogorsk asked the Turkish company "Yenigun" to refuse to build a garbage incorporation plant in Hmetiyevo. They stated that it would be a crime against the health of 12 million inhabitants of Moscow and seven million inhabitants of the Moscow region, which can begin a "large-scale conflict" due to this object.

Activists asked the Turkish company to abandon the construction of a garbage incorporation plant in Hmetiyevo. Everyone can send the same letter 20544_1

In his letter to the company's management, activists have transferred a number of reasons why this construction must be stopped. They offer everyone to send a similar letter to [email protected] or at: 115280, Moscow, Leninskaya Sloboda Street, House 21, Corpus 1, Floor 2, room 41.

Cause 1: secrecy

Activists argue that "RT-Invest" and its subsidiary "AGK -1" "have a bad reputation among residents of the Moscow region." They noticed that AGK-1 does not provide public organizations to the project documentation of incineration factories for familiarization and evaluation. For example, since 2018, documents on the object in Hetyevo are trying to get a non-profit partnership "Emassert", which is evaluated by environmental damage and performs judicial environmental expertise.

Earlier in "AGK-1" reported "" that they will submit documents to social activists in the presence of bailiffs. The transfer period will assign an executive attachment. The company insists that the documentation on the environmental parameters of the plant they provide at the request of any public organization. But in some cases, activists require a complete set of documents with all technological schemes and drawings, which are unique foreign technologies and which the company has the right to protect as intellectual property. Because of this, they explained to "AGK-1, they ask to sign a confidentiality agreement. But" some activists "refuse to sign it, so the company solves issues in court.

Read also the court ordered to convey to the environmental documentation for the incaning plant in Hmettyevo for examination. With it, they intend to suspend the construction

Cause 2: Outdated combustion technologies and harmful emissions

According to activists, in Europe, they are now refused to burn garbage burning technology on a grate grille, it is recognized as "threatening efforts to prevent waste generation, reuse of components of solid utility waste and building a closed cycle economy." In addition, heavy metals are released from solid waste, there are many compounds harmful to health, and dioxin emissions affect the development of oncology, provoke infertility and genetic problems in children.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences Valery Petrosyan explained the Russian Gazeta, that we are talking about the closure of an old sample MSZ in Europe (with an incineration temperature of 600-800 degrees), but in general the European Union "never published any legislative prohibitions for incineration of waste." In 2017, in the Communique of the European Commission, the role of recycling of waste into energy in the cyclic economy was said to limit the incineration of waste in countries where the share of thermal processing is already more than 50% of all waste. For those countries where the burial share is still high, the communiqué, on the contrary, recommends building new objects.

According to Petrosyan, the danger of emissions is relevant for incineration plants of an old type, and now the existing technology of burning at a temperature of 1260 degrees will destroy harmful substances and dioxins including: "Traces of organic toxicants will absorb the filter with activated carbon, and the remaining carbon, nitrogen and sulfur oxide impurities Will be significantly less than from passing on any federal car. "

Previously, the Associate Professor of the National Research Nuclear Institute of Miphy Valery Sosnowkov said that although the Japanese-Swiss technology was planned to use Japanese-Swiss technology, as clean, as in these countries, our air will not be. The fact is that in these countries the garbage is divided at the level of households and plastic does not flow and other waste separating harmful substances during combustion. There is no such separation in Russia.

Assessing the composition of the garbage, which will go to the plant in Hmethevo, experts predict in it from 3 to 26 percent of plastic. Such a large scatter is associated with different data sources. If three percent gives the 2001 industry directory, then 26 percent - the company "MKM LOGISTIC", which directly takes garbage. At the same time, in Switzerland plastic bottles in the burned garbage a little more than one percent.

It is worth noting: the inhabitants are also afraid that gold-skolot waste with MSZ in Hmettyevo will be buried to the burial at the polygon of the waste recycling complex near Povarovo. This terrain is partially marshed, and harmful substances will be washed into the Radom River, they say.

Read also the construction of a waste processing complex next to Zelenograd. Promise to recycle up to 75 percent of the incoming garbage. The rest burned or burn

Cause 3: Outdated Equipment

Activists of the movement of the "Eco-Worthy of the Moscow Region" pointed out the rumors that advanced Japanese-Swiss technologies in Moscow Region will not be: allegedly to the plants will be installed old equipment from Turkey.

In response to this, "RT-Invest" clarified that the Japanese-Swiss Concern company buys only technologies and further maintenance of factories under life cycle contracts. And the production of the main equipment is localized in Russia. For example, boilers for thermal processing of waste produce Rosatom at the enterprise "Zio-Podolsk" near Moscow. Turbine for the transformation of thermal energy generated when burning garbage, into electric - in the Ural Turbine Plant.

What build in Hmethevo

In the next three years, four incineration plants (MSZ) are planned to be built in the Moscow region. Each plant will process about 700 thousand tons of waste per year and produce 75 MW of electricity. 350 thousand tons of waste will be brought to Khmetyevo from Moscow, the remaining 350 will be reserved for the Moscow region.

It is assumed that, before entering the plant, the waste must pass mandatory sorting on special complexes - to choose all useful fractions from garbage (glass, metal, paper, plastic, organic), as well as dangerous (mercury-containing, batteries, etc.). Waste will be thermally processed at a temperature of 1260 degrees, which "provides the destruction of dioxins." The released thermal energy will be converted to electrical. According to RT-Invest, electricity will go to the wholesale market, to the general network.

However, it seems that this energy is not very necessary in the general market, and it will be much more expensive. Director of the Institute of Ecology with HSE, Dr. Geographical Sciences Boris Morgunov explained the Russian Gazeta, which, in Russia, in Russia, within the Unified Energy System, there is an excess of generation. And according to the terms of contracts with the state, investors will introduce new power generation capacity by a certain period, and the state guarantees its sales on high rates for 10 years.

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