Aboriginal animals will help the diversification of the AZRF economy

Aboriginal animals will help the diversification of the AZRF economy 20539_1

At the meeting of the Expert Council, it's time January 19, experts from Karelia, Yakutia and other Arctic regions exchanged experiences of breeding aboriginal northern animal breeds.

Yulia Andreeva, the public representative is time to Karelia, introduced the members of the Expert Council with the project "Aboriginal Horses Karelia". This is a project to restore the breed of a Karelian forest horse, which has unique stamina characteristics. The funds on it were highlighted in the framework of the grant program.

Vasily Ushnitsky, K.I.N., Researcher of the Institute for Humanitarian Studies and the problems of the small peoples of Siberia Siberian RAS, spoke about the meaning of the Yakut horse in the culture of the people of Sakha. Victoria Evseukova, Associate Professor of the Department of Keeping (Arctic State Agrotechnology University, Yakutsk) made a report on the current state of horse breeding in the republic: in Yakutia a horse, which are able to withstand frosts up to 70 degrees, are actively used in agriculture as a meat-dairy breeding of livestock.

Igor Mishukov, the coordinator of the Ovezbike project project, made a message about the prospects for the reintroduction of the shebities in the territory of the Russian Arctic. He told that in Europe and the United States for about 50 years, experiments on the domestication of this animal and the creation of commercial farms are underway. With an increase in the number, this protected view can become an agricultural animal: meat, skin, the fluff in the shebity has a high value, as well as the reindeer.

"The development of farms on the breeding of aboriginal animals is possible on specially protected natural territories, especially the municipality. It is also one of the ways to use the "Arctic hectare". Such farms will not only help preserve biodiversity, but also give northerners jobs and contribute to the diversification of the economy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, "says Alexander the collars.

The event was also attended by Natalia Belousov - Senior Researcher VNIIK, Registrar of the State Code of Vyatka Breed, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; Yuri Starpovsky - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific Works Institute of General Genetics. N. I. Vavilova RAS, head. the laboratory of the comparative genetics of animals; Ekaterina Lviv - Zooengerer of the project "Aboriginal Horses of Karelia" and others.

The preservation of biodiversity of the Russian Arctic is one of the areas of activity. Within the framework of the Grant Program of the Project Office of the Arctic Development of the Arctic, projects for the preservation of the wild reindeer are being prepared, a collection of regional museums is being prepared, a project for breeding in fisheries of a unique Taimyr Fish-Bogarn Goltz is being developed.

In addition, in Norilsk, with the support of it, the children's educational center "White Teddy" works, where children study the Arctic ecosystems with the help of creativity and augmented reality.

(Source: Public Relationship Service of the Project Office of the Development of the Arctic. Photo taken in the group of forest horses Karelia).

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