Bad crop of cucumbers: 6 main reasons


    Good afternoon, my reader. Experienced gardeners know that cucumbers need special care. Their growth, flowering and quality of fruits depends on it.

    Bad crop of cucumbers: 6 main reasons 20530_1
    Bad crop of cucumbers: 6 main reasons for Maria Verbilkova

    Consider in more detail the errors that many are committed when growing this culture.

    In the open soil, the cucumbers are planted after 35-36 days from the appearance of germs, otherwise the seedlings experience the lack of useful trace elements, weaken and get enough.

    Young seedlings faster adapts to new conditions and is actively growing after disembarking. You can also carry the cucumbers on the street on the second week after the formation of the first leaflets.

    It is impossible to plant cucumbers close to each other. If the loops are not blocked by the wind, fungus and other infectious diseases may appear. The fruits are crushed, and the amount of crop will be minimal.

    The place for growing cucumbers should be changed annually to the new one. This will protect plants from pests and diseases, increase the harvest.

    In addition, you should not land cucumbers on the beds after pumpkin cultures: zucchini, watermelon, etc. The crop rotation is of great importance!

    The cucumbers grow well after color and white cabbage. There are also beds from beets, tomatoes, potatoes and peas. It is possible to plant a culture on an old place in 4 years.

    Bad crop of cucumbers: 6 main reasons 20530_2
    Bad crop of cucumbers: 6 main reasons for Maria Verbilkova

    The amount of crop will decrease if the loops of the cucumbers do not form and not be supported. Plants on the trellis are not lying on Earth, so they are very sick and exposed to pest attacks, they are easier to dive and collect them.

    It is necessary to form cucumbers correctly: pinch off the shoots from above, remove steps to the fourth intercoux. It is advisable to do it before the appearance of steps more than 3-5 cm long.

    The plugging of large stepsing causes stress in the plant.

    The cucumbers love moisture - they can not be overwhelmed, otherwise the wounds begin to raise, and the fruits are absolutely. Before flowering, it is possible to use the rain method of watering, after - moisturize the soil only at the base of the bush.

    Bad crop of cucumbers: 6 main reasons 20530_3
    Bad crop of cucumbers: 6 main reasons for Maria Verbilkova

    Straight sunlight are dangerous for culture. Burns may appear on the cucumbers, to spoil the taste and appearance of the fruit. Plants are needed in the half.

    If there is no such place on the site, with the cucumbers should be planted with the extension plants. For example, corn in several rows.

    It reliably protect the bed with cucumbers from the bright sun. The main thing is to put the extension plants correctly.

    These simple tips and recommendations will help grow a good crop of cucumbers even novice gardeners.

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