Religion unites the world

Religion unites the world 2053_1

Every year in the third Sunday of January, on the UN initiative, the world is celebrated World Religion Day. As noted

, This holiday is conducted from 1950 since 1950, when the National Department of the Faith of Bahai in the USA established him in order to proclaim the uniform essence of all world religions and demonstrates that religion is, first of all, the power to combine the world, and not discord.

After all, in many ways the history of human culture and civilization is the history of religions. A sense of common faith, as history shows, is one of the leading factors uniting people. Therefore, the main idea underlying today's holiday, which has now received widespread in the world, - "Religion should be the reason for unity." What gives a good reason to once again pay attention to the role of religion in the modern world.

In the history of mankind, many different religious traditions and beliefs are known. Among them, the three most common religions are distinguished - Christianity, Islam, Judaism, having numerous followers in different regions of the world. An even quite large part of the population professes Buddhism, Hinduism and Zoroastrianism. Although almost all religions have a centuries-old history, but there are a number of non-well-studied religious flows - for example, small tribes and peoples living away from civilizations, as well as a number of modern neoplasms.

The future of humanity largely depends on the values ​​and the device of society, which is not least affected by religious traditions, which are not simply talking about some set of ethical standards, but also firmly enter the daily life of peoples, affecting the behavior of people, and on the development of the entire community.

It is worth noting that various relationships have been established in different countries. Religion - state

Of course, religions are largely different, but at the same time they are very close in their views on the main general human values ​​/ of course, religion varies in many ways, but at the same time they are very close in their views on the main universal values.

But it is impossible to forget that there are also prohibited religious organizations and associations, whose activities are terrorist and extremist character. It is alarming that for some people, any religion becomes the main enemy, with whom it is necessary to conduct a stubborn struggle.

Therefore, today on World Religion Day in different countries there are various events - concerts, round tables, seminars, exhibitions, etc., devoted to the problems of the establishment of peace and the development of tolerance all over the world, strengthening mutual understanding between followers of all religions. They take place, as a rule, with the participation of representatives of the religious communities of all denominations.

The world of religions is rightfully considered the property of humanity and deserves the most close attention, study and protection. Tolerance in the spiritual sphere is a good basis for the preservation of civil peace in the present and future. Therefore, the main task today is to resist the various abuse of religion, especially its retracting into extremist movements, but at the same time create all the conditions for the manifestation of its creative potential in all spheres of human life. For this future.

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