Rating of famous people of Moscow born March 1

Rating of famous people of Moscow born March 1 20517_1

Globalmsk.ru presents the top 5 stars of Russia born on March 1. The rating was formed on the basis of the content analysis of the information base of the Internet portal.

1st place

Today's Top-5 leader becomes a 32-year-old actress of theater and movies Agata Motation, a native of the Latvian capital of Riga. At the end of the school he worked as a model, advertised the well-known brand of Italian shoes, many European countries have traveled with photo sessions. Returning to his native city, became a student of the University of Latvia, and in 2008 she moved to Moscow, where he entered the acting faculty in VGIK. The university graduated in 2012 with a red diploma.

Cinema actresses came to 2007. The most famous role was the following Darius Storkova in the Closed School Multiserry Tape. In addition to filming the cinema, telecepts leads, and also develops its own projects.

Agatha Mutzing was married to a partner in the "closed school" Paulil. Lovers got married in 2011, and divorced - in 2020. Former spouses have two children.

2nd place

The line is lower in the ranking of this Monday - 41-year-old singer, the leading and former figure skater Anna Semenovich from Moscow, the ex-participant of the Music Group "Brilliant". Figure skating was engaged in 3 years of age. At the end of the school, he became a student of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. Repeatedly conquered prizes in international competitions, but due to the received serious injury and the subsequent operation, Anna Semenovich had to leave a big sport. Removed for magazines and in the cinema, television programs were led, participated in TV projects. The artist sings, leads the program "Dembel Album" on the "Russian Radio".

Today, Instagram-Account Anna Semenovich appeared dedicated to the personal holiday post. "I was born on March 1 and all my life was very proud of this date. The first day of spring gives us a lot of hopes, smiles and emotions. I want to thank my outgoing year, he was very instructive! I thank the Universe for the energy that flows on my cells! I thank everything for everything. Love myself! I love life! Love you!" - wrote a star birthday boy.

3rd place

In the third position of the top of this day - 35-year-old model and actress Miroslav Karpovich from the Ukrainian city of Berdyansk. In 2006 he graduated from the Studio School of MCAT. Fame gained due to role in the Russian Sitkom "Daddy's Daughters". In this television series, the artist embodied on the screen Maria Vasnetsov. He is a laureate of the Theater Prize "Golden Sheet", the nomination - the "best female role" (the play "You", 2006).

4th place

Also today marks his birthday actress, singer and TV presenter Nastasya Sambursk from the city of Priozersk Leningrad region. After school studied at the hairdresser, then he entered Gitis, after which he was invited to the theater's troupe on a small armor, where he worked until spring 2019. In the fall of 2017, he became the leading program "Audio".

5th place

The 51-year-old State Avestigator Maxim Akimov from the Kaluga region ranks fifth line of the rating of famous persons of the country, which were born on March 1. In 2004-2007, Kaluga's urban head, in 2007-2012, Deputy Governor of the Kaluga Region, in 2012-2018 - the First Deputy Head of the Government Office of Russia. Last year, he took the position of CEO of JSC "Post of Russia". He is a valid state counselor of the Russian Federation I class (2016), candidate of historical sciences (2019).

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