This fails: Microsoft ridiculous old MacBook Pro in advertising new Surface Pro 7


It seems that Microsoft does not give rest that lately everything is just talking about MacBook, and the company decided to disseminate them in the fluff and dust in his new commercial roller dedicated to Surface Pro 7. With advertising, these guys have always been not very, and this Once it was no exception, but I was more interested in what Microsoft was chosen as the advantage of the Surface Pro 7 laptop over Apple computers. The first Fale did not make himself wait: It turned out that Microsoft decided to compare their new laptop not with the MacBook Air or MacBook Pro on M1, and not even with the past models of 2020, and with MacBook Pro, which had no physical ESC button.

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Not the most successful advertising turned out

Comparison MacBook Pro and Surface Pro 7

I do not know what year Microsoft recorded this video - apparently, in 2018 or 2019, otherwise I can not explain why the company drew attention to the presence of an ESC physical button in Surface Pro 7 and its absence in MacBook Pro. For reference - Apple began to return this button at the end of 2019, when the 16-inch MacBook Pro released. Users were really not delighted with a sensory solution, and in Cupertino went to meet them. In the future, Apple used only the ESC physical button: in MacBook Air and MacBook Pro 2020 and in new models on the M1 chip.

If you think it is not true, you can see the video yourself. Microsoft really suited.

It is not surprising that dysletes gathered normally.

Probably Microsoft did not count on such

The video emphasizes that Surface Pro 7 has a fully touch screen, while MacBook Pro is equipped with a "small panel" with support for sensory input. Separately, Microsoft highlights that Surface Pro 7 has a removable keyboard, while MacBook Pro "stuck in the past" with its usual Magic Keyboard keyboard. It is strange that they did not remember the "Butterfly" keyboard!

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Surface Pro 7.

Yes, MacBook does not have a touch screen, you will not argue here. But rumors that MacBook can become sensory, went a few years ago. Especially after Apple introduced the iPad: many immediately decided that now the touch interface will be transferred to their laptops in Cupertino. True, McBooks never become sensory. Steve Jobs somehow said that such computers will constantly fall to the floor. Phil Schiller believed that users would not like such a decision. Joni Aiv in one of the interviews stated that the Mac sensory is not because Apple cannot do them, but because there is no need. And only Craig Federigi mentioned "a few experiments, of which no one was convincing."

And really, is it necessary at all the touch screen in MacBook when there is iPad? For me, it is better for me that the computer remains a computer, and the tablet is a tablet.

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It would be better if they compared it with iPad Pro

Finally, the video says that Surface Pro 7 is a "much more advanced gaming device" than MacBook Pro, and more affordable. And here again can not catch Microsoft. Surface Pro 7 is equipped with a 12.3-inch display and is really worth 750 dollars. But! Its basic configuration offers 128 GB of memory and only 4 GB of RAM. For $ 2299, a version with 1 TB of memory and 16 GB of RAM is already available. MacBook Pro in the database with 8 GB of unified memory and 256 GB of repository is more expensive (1299 dollars), but for the same 2299 dollars, Apple already offers 2 TB SSDs and 16 GB of unified memory. So who else is "more affordable"?

In general, it would be better by Microsoft simply released a beautiful commercial roller in the style of Apple or Samsung, with animations, bright colors and so everyone.

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