Oncosting in the Perm Territory


We all want to sense stability in the present and confidence in the happy future, to realize that with unforeseen disease we will have funds for treatment and health restoration. This is what guarantees the policy of life insurance in the case of oncology.

We asked to tell about this in more detail Dmitry Dubin, Technical Director of PPF Life Insurance.

If the disease is detected, the owner of such a program is operational (in our company within 3-5 business days from the date of submission of the application and the necessary documents) will receive insurance pay, which will allow for the shortest possible time to pay for the costs of operation, medicines and rehabilitation after illness. Considering how important in such a situation is quickly starting treatment, it is a significant advantage of such programs.

However, before purchasing a policy of financial protection in the case of oncology, it is necessary to understand how such products differ. Today, specialized support programs for cancer and complex policies are presented on the market, which provide for payments in the event of a wide list of hazardous diseases, including oncology. For example, our company offers a specialized cancer program for people up to 85 years. Payments on the policy are relying both in diagnosing the disease on the preinvasive (in situ) stage and at the later stages of the development of the oncological disease. The program can also include the risk of other serious diseases, such as infarction or stroke, as well as child insurance.

We also developed a specialized financial protection program for female oncological diseases. Such a policy will help not only keep health, but also to pay the necessary procedures for the restoration of beauty. Payments under the contract can also be provided in the event of serious injuries, disability, temporary disability and hospitalization as a result of an accident.

I note that such a program is available to almost every woman: the client regularly makes contributions to its defense, and at the end of the insurance period receives up to 75% of the amount made.

Also, protection against oncological diseases can be connected within the risk of deadly diseases, which includes support for 27 serious diseases, including also infarction, stroke, respiratory failure, during long-term insurance, comprehensive storage facilities of life. Such programs not only support the client in difficult situations, but also help him form savings on a certain goal (child education, retirement increase). Throughout the term of the contract, the owner of the Polis makes a contribution to its protection and savings, and at the end of the program, formed capital receives. All parameters: The size of the contributions, the planned amount of savings, the risk list, the term of the contract, the client determines itself on the basis of life circumstances and goals.

The amount of payments under the insurance contract in the case of oncology depends on the terms of the program and the sum insured, which the client chooses when concluding the contract. Insurance amount is the maximum coating amount when an insured event occurs. For example, by our specialized program of protection against oncology for people up to 85 years old, a client can determine the insurance amount of 500 thousand rubles or 1 million rubles. In the primary detection of the disease, the insured is supposed to pay 100% of the sum insured. If we are talking about the preinstal stage of the disease, then the payment will be 30% of the sum insured (150 or 300 thousand rubles).

With a comprehensive long-term accumulative insurance program in the diagnosis of the Customer of the Cancer Disease, it also pays for 100% of the sum insured for relevant risk. In such programs, the client establishes the insurance amount at its discretion (it can be several hundred thousand or several million rubles).

In connection with the increase in the financial literacy of Russians and the growth of their awareness of the possibilities of life insurance programs, we are seeing

Sustainable demand for policies that provide support for oncology throughout Russia, especially in the regions where indicators are higher than on average country. Such regions include the Perm region, the situation in which, unfortunately, is worsening every year.

In the structure of demand for our programs in the region of 1st, a complex long-term policy with protection with 27 deadly diseases is occupied, including oncology. The top five also includes a specialized program for cancer for people up to 85 years.

Of course, such life insurance policies will not prevent the disease, but make it easy to make a difficult period, help pay all the necessary procedures, maintain the usual standard of living during treatment and savings on important goals and dreams.

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