One day from the life of the director of cryptobiri


About General Director Overbit - Whose Lew

Whose Lew showed great interest in the blockchain and cryptocurrency when he studied computer science at the California State Polytechnic University in 2011.

After receiving higher education, he worked as a consultant in several financial investment companies in several Asian markets for almost ten years. Being an avid trader Forex and Cryptovalut, whose understood that there is a huge trading difference in various financial markets.

Whose Lew founded Overbit in 2017 and launched it in 2019 to become the world's first platform for cross-market trading by Bitcoins.

One day from the life of the director of cryptobiri 20472_1

The cryptocurrency market can even be tense even in the best times, as it is filled with energy that is unpredictable by its strength. Beginner traders, plunging with your head into this trading environment, for the most part tend to burn and disappoint. If we talk about experienced traders, then the market during a strong PAMPA can easily be confused, preventing himself to track and evaluate their positions.

CEO - no exception. Moreover, the gender is under a greater pressure than other players, as it carefully monitors the actions of each trader. The cryptocurrency market seems to challenge, demanding constant vigilance and perseverance.

The work of the Director-General requires great responsibility, as it is necessary to be in constant reflections on how to make an Overbit offer more profitable compared to other stocks in the eyes of investors. Things are not as simple as it seems: to run the stock exchange is the smallest, but an important first step, which is the foundation, pushing out from which the brick need to enrich the stock exchange so that it is a reliable structure. The gender of the trading platform such thoughts regularly arise in the head during each day. How to stand out among competitors?

Think of what traders really want

Traders are the basis of the functioning of any trading platform and stock exchange, as they are the main participants and it is for them all products and services have been created. The most successful director, together with their team, when making important decisions, rely on experience related to traders, and do not reflect on the strategies of any business. And then there is a "brainstorm" ...

How to start trading a novice trader? Are you limited in something experienced traders and would they like to get more opportunities?

Reflecting on these questions, you can encounter a dilemma: one bad review may irreversibly turn into mass disapproval by investors. From the very beginning of its launch, you must comply with a specific level of quality. It is very important for the generated daily to check whether the trading platform is responsible for the basic level of quality.

One of the specific tasks is to find a balance between ease of use and full functionality. Beginners of traders can confuse the complex nature of trading by derivatives, since they are unlikely to understand what to start. That is why we pay special attention to the Overbit Academy - the place where newcomers can learn the Azam. At the same time, we want it to be fascinating, so we launched Overbit Sketches to present learning in humorous form into cryptocurrency space.

Multiple key points that help the Overbit gendertrer track the availability of the platform: simplicity of the platform, safety, depth of the market, a wide range of proposals and auxiliary products, such as Overbit Academy. Every time you are talking about improving, I think about these items.

Think about what traders do not know, but will definitely want

To know and give traders what they want is one thing, and give them what they do not know, but what can be very useful for them is quite another. Remember that users are above all, therefore the debt of the manual is to make the platform as intuitive and comfortable as possible. To do this, it is necessary to constantly develop and test various functions to see whether it helps the trade process. The idea is to make the trade process so simple that he brings one pleasure and did not distract anything from the most important thing.

This is what all cryptocurrency companies are facing, be it the stock exchange or startup. This is an important part of business development. It helps stand out among competitors, what will be said a little later.

One of the features on which work is currently being underway is a reward center, which includes the highest payouts among all affiliate programs on margin trading platforms. Affiliate program is only the first of many scheduled remuneration programs. In the near future, there are even more improvements, but it is enough to say that the Overbit team is developing all the innovations so that users say:

Safety above all!

Safety is the concern of each head in the sphere of cryptocurrency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Anxiously imagine what it is - wake up and hear that your platform was hacked or attacked. Users always count that in relation to them you will be transparent and honest. They trust their funds and personal information to your platform, and this is a huge responsibility.

The cryptocurrency space survived several unpleasant moments for its short life. This gives the market a bad reputation, the market is on the verge of exit from mainstream, so we should provide reliable security. The more popular cryptocurrencies will become, the more close control on the part of the authorities will be carried out on the market.

Competition has a property to grow

What would have an entrepreneurship without her desire to surpass competitors and give users more? The cryptocurrency market is the rigid competition. Numerous assets compete for the right to be the main asset in a certain niche. Many manufacturers of virtual wallets compete, constantly demonstrating their reliability and superiority. Exchanges often declare new features and loudly declare a comprehensive nature of their platform.

No matter what tough is the market situation, it is important that competition exists. It encourages us in Overbit to work better, convincing traders in that "Yes, we are a suitable platform for you."

We encounter and cooperate with some of the most high-profile names in Crypto Industry. Overbit knows exactly what the platform has something to offer to each investor, which does not have other stock exchanges. An example of what we suggest that others do not offer, - Forex margin trading over Cryptovaya trading. Users can work with two markets and diversify their portfolios. Maximum credit shoulder for trading on Forex - 500X.

Market analysis

This is what is done almost everything in trading, but for general directors it is doubly important. Overbit CEO for each day carefully studies the market. The director needs to know what the next asset may be for listing, you need to hear from the cryptoso community, which they want. The gender must make sure that its command provides the right information so that users can retrieve the maximum benefit from trade.

It is impossible not to mention the constant flow of news, followed by difficult to keep track. Changes in the world level can have either a negative impact on cryptocurrency, or positive, and, following this, the gender knows exactly which consequences for business in the future or what steps should be taken.

Recent thoughts

Day From the life of the Director General of the Platform for Trade in Cryptovolyuts is a difficult day. It is necessary to constantly be in working mode, studying a huge amount of information, but the love of work does not cause the desire to exchange such life for anything else. The gender does it not only from love for its activities, but also to benefit for others.

Posted by: Aziz Kenzhaev

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