Where to place your NFT art. Selection of sites


NFT opens up great opportunities for painted artists for selling their works. In the article, consider popular trading platforms where it is worth placing your Digital Art, and how much it will cost and how much the work can be earned from your own dignitary.

The platforms from the selection are collaborated with OpenSea, so when placing NFT on the same platform, it will be shown at once on two. In the selection of the site are popular: from the most famous to the least.

OpenSea - the most popular NFT trading platform

About the platform. On OpenSea you can buy and sell any kinds of tokens. Not only from the art area, but also domain names, virtual lands, game and sports cards, collectible things and utilities. For example, in the "Utilities" category you can purchase membership in the bankless community, providing him with sponsorship. Or among the collectible things you can find popular cryptocotics.

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Membership in the Bankless Community Sale in the form of tokens at the auction on OpenSea
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And "Cryptokitties" at a fixed price

OpenSea is not only a platform for selling tokens, but also a meaningful blog. There are published articles about earnings on the platform, the necessary information on tokens, the tops of sales NFT for the month and the rating of sellers.

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Sales Tocken Rating

To create a collection, buy a token or lay out your work no need to register. Enough to enter the site through Metamask. Payment on OpenSea is made in cryptocurrency.

What cryptocurrency to pay. ETH, DAI, USDC, WETH, 0XBTC, 1MT, 2XDN.

How much should you place your work. Placing your work, creating a collection - for free. Paid functions include:

  1. Commission from the transaction. It does not need to be paid separately. OpenSea will hold 2.5% commission from each successful NFT sale.
  2. Activation of the account with the first sale. Here you will need to pay the Ethyurium Network Commission when the first buyer will buy your token. In February 2021, it averages $ 30-100.

Also, when placing NFT, you can install up to 10% of royalties. That is, the author will be accrued to the percentage of the transaction with each resale of this token.

Partnership programs. OpenSea collaborates with other marketers of Art Tokens: Rarible, Superrare, Makers Place, Async Art, Mintable, Known Origin. If you put an art token on sale on one of these sites, then NFT will be visible not only on the platform exhibited, but also on OpenSea.

Rarible - Playground with Bonuses for Active Users

About the platform. Rarible platform is focused on selling and buying art. More than 20 thousand artists and collections are presented here. Rarible uses its own Rari token to encourage active site users. About 60% of Rari's assets every week are distributed among active buyers and sellers.

You can sell on Rarible on both the art and game cards, domain names, virtual lands and even memes. For example, in the "Memes" collection, you can buy access to the telly channel of the Summit Blockchalter in Los Angeles.

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La Blockchain Summit Relic token will open access to the LabC VIP LabC VIP channel

In order to create a collection, buy a token or lay out work on Rarible, you do not need to be registered. It will be enough to enter the site through Metamask.

What cryptocurrency to pay. ETH, DAI, ATRI, RARI.

How much should you place your work. Registration on the site is free. For the placement of each new token or the creation of a collection will need to pay the Ethyurium Network Commission. About $ 30-100 for each publication.

On Rarible, you can choose any pylich percentage when resale from 0 to 100. The platform itself recommends putting no more than 30%.

Partnership programs. Rarible collaborates with OpenSea playground. That is, you can place work on the same site, and it will be shown at once on two. At the same time, the reference to the token will be one.

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NFT "Swamp Goblin" located on Rarible
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The same "marsh goblin" on OpenSea

Superrare - Playground with the most expensive NFT arts

About the platform. Superrare is a trading platform for collecting and selling unique digital artworks. On the platform, only the aruta dijital was posted.

To buy a job on the Superrare or add your need to register on the site and tie the Metamask or Fortmatic cryptochelek. Before posting work on Superrare, you need to pass the interview with the site administration. Therefore, famous artists and work are accompanied by famous artists and work as more expensive than Rarible and OpenSea.

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More than $ 500 thousand earned on the sale of its work Pak. He heads top artists on Superrare

What cryptocurrency to pay. Eth.

How much should you place your work. Placing your work - free. Under the first sale, Superrare holds a 15% commission from the transaction. Also, the platform takes on a 3% commission with each successful sale of NFT. With resale art tokens, the author is charged 10% from each transaction.

Partnership programs. The Superrare does not have such a separate transition button as Rarible. OpenSea works are presented in the form of collections from Superrare.

Foundation - accommodation only by invitation

About the platform. On the foundation only the paintings were placed. To purchase art token, you do not need to register on the platform. It will be enough to go through Metamask.

In order to become the author on Foundation, you must join the official community in Discord and share your work on the Intros-Invites channel. Or find a familiar artist on the Foundation and ask him an invitation.

Here the sale of tokens occurs through auction. One who has specified a large price for a certain time - gets a job. Therefore, when buying a token, you should pay attention to two parameters - the price and time.

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For example, the price of Tocken "The Runs" 0.4 Eth, and the time to the end of the auction is 9 minutes

What cryptocurrency to pay. Eth.

How much should you place your job. Placing your work - free. Foundation holds 15% from sales art token. When resale NFT, the author is charged 10% of royalties.

Partnership programs. Foundation has its own partner program with OpenSea, the same as Rarible. That is, on the NFT page on the Foundation there is a special "VIEW ON OpenSea" button. When you click on it, the selected NFT is shown on OpenSea. Also on the affiliate platform there is a collection of works with the Foundation with the name "FND".

Makers Place - Playground with comments to NFT

About the platform. The Makers Place platform allows artists to sell their digital work on a wide audience. Here they are presented only to the aruta.

To buy on Makers Place Art Token need to register on the site. To accommodate your work on the platform you need an invitation. You can get it in the official platform community in Discord.

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Tocken "Enjoying The Journey" on Makers Place
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Unlike other platforms, on Makers Place, you can post comments under the work

What cryptocurrency to pay. Here you can pay a picture of the map in dollars or using Metamask in ETH.

How much should you place your job. Placing your work - free. The platform holds 15% from each sale of its NFT and 2.9% when buying other works in your collection with a map. Each time when the work resell the author receives 10% of the transaction.

Partnership programs. On OpenSea NFT with Makers Place are presented in the form of a collection.

ASYNC ART - playground with its own tool for creating arts

About the platform. Only popular artists can put their work on ASYNC Art. The platform is designed for trading Diditel Art.

ASYNC ART does not need to register. It will be enough to enter the site through Metamask. To place your work, you need to pre-apply for approval of the artist's account. A distinctive feature of the platform - you can create pictures online using the ASYNC Canvas tool. This allows you to sell your ART as entirely and separately by layers.

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The most expensive art tokens on ASYNC Art

What cryptocurrency to pay. Eth.

How much should you place your job. Placing your work - free. ASYNC holds 20-30% when selling its Tocken Art. Also 10% from the sale of the work created using the ASYNC Canvas tool. Artists get 10% of royalties when reselling their works.

Partnership programs. On OpenSea NFT are presented in the form of a collection.

Mintable - free accommodation and sale of NFT

About the platform. While on other platforms, collections with NFT are created, on Mintable you can create your own store, where the tokens art will be presented. The store is a smart contract to create an NFT. Mintable can be sold as painting paintings and domain names, collectibles, bits, video and patterns. In the category "Video" you can find both music videos and videos with pets.

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And in "templates" - wallpaper with Santa Claus

To buy work on Mintable or make selling for sale, you need to register on the site and link Kryptochelek Metamask, Trust Wallet or Rainbow.

What cryptocurrency to pay. Eth.

How much should you place your job. Absolutely free. Markeples allows you to exhibit and sell your tokens without a platform or network of Etherumer. Also, when placing NFT, you can install up to 10% of royalties.

Partnership programs. On OpenSea NFT are presented in the form of a collection.

Known Origin - Platform with an enlarged percentage of royalties

About the platform. More than 18 thousand works sold on Known Origin. Here only the painted paintings are posted. Also on the platform there is a blog. There you can find the news of the platform, the history of collaborations, interviews and news of artists.

On Known Origin does not need to be registered. It will be enough to enter the site through Metamask.

To place your work, you need to pre-apply for approval of the artist's account. The Known Origin has its own Hall of Fame, where the highest paid authors, paintings and collections are collected.

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Hall of Fame of Artists Known Origin

What cryptocurrency to pay. Eth.

How much should you place your job. Accommodation work - free. The platform holds 15% from the first sale of NFT Art. With subsequent resale, the author is charged 12.5% ​​of royalties from the transaction.

Partnership programs. On OpenSea NFT are presented in the form of a collection.

Artblocks - for collectors Diditital art

About the platform. Artblocks When buying NFT generates random token and the user until the end of the transaction does not know which picture buys. He chooses the style in which work is performed, and pays for it. The algorithm randomly generates NFT according to the specified parameters and is sent to the user account. The result is a static image, 3D model or gif.

To buy work, just enter the site through Metamask and make a deal. It is more difficult to set the work on the platform: for this you need to receive an invitation or send a letter asking for cooperation to developers of the site.

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The main page appears randomly generated NFT. When you click on the "Next" arrow, the following random token appears

What cryptocurrency to pay. Eth.

How much should you place your job. Artblocks holds 10% from sales of art token.

Partnership programs. On OpenSea NFT are presented in the form of a collection.


In four of the six sites for the sale of NFT Art, you can place your work only after the application and approval by the site administration. To choose a platform, it is worth relying on the target with which the work and the experience of the artist is located.

Starts should start with OpenSea or Mintable. On them there is a simple registration and free placement of work.

For self-confident artists with a ready-made portfolio worth considering Makers Place, Known Origin and Async Art. Here you can get feedback, an enlarged royalties percentage or the opportunity to sell your ART not only with a holistic product, but also by layers.

For greater profits from paintings - Superrare, Foundation and Rarible. At Superrare and Foundation, artists known in social networks are exposed. Trust collectors to them above, they are ready to pay for work more. On Rarible for its activity, you can get bonuses in the form of Rari tokens.

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