Spring Sowing Sideratov - what herbs choose for greenhouses and vegetable garden


    Good afternoon, my reader. The use of sites (green fertilizers) in greenhouses (green fertilizers) is explained by their ability to enrich the soil with important nutritional elements, as well as improve its structure. For spring sowing it is necessary to choose the varieties of herbs that quickly give germs.

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    Spring Sowing Sideratov - what herbs should be chosen for the greenhouse and the neck

    Siderats (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    It is known that Siderats can be planted throughout the growing season. Considering the spring season, you can note the following advantages of sowing green fertilizers in this time interval:
    • The soil contains a sufficient amount of moisture that ensures the rapid appearance of germs;
    • As the air temperature increases, the plants begin to actively build up a green mass, which will already be ready to miserably and seal into the ground to the beginning of the main landing work;
    • Siderates improve the structure of the soil, replenish the deficit of many useful compounds for grown cultures;
    • help the protection of soil from weathering;
    • increased air permeability;
    • slow down the growth of weeds.

    If necessary, it is possible to choose a type of sita, which scare the malicious insects, change the acidity of the soil.

    It is important that the Sideratuses have managed not only to climb, but also to increase sufficient green mass. Given this fact, they begin sowing them after the earth fully utters after winter cold. In the greenhouse, this procedure is carried out over a month and a half before the planned seedling landing.

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    Spring Sowing Sideratov - what herbs should be chosen for the greenhouse and the neck

    Siderats: Lupine and Clover (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The surface of the soil is cleaned from leaves, residues of branches, weeds and different garbage. Then you need to break. On a small area, the seeds can be distributed into the grooves. More often, the Siderators are scattered evenly throughout the surface allotted for them, and then close to the soil. You can pre-combine seeds with dry sawdresses or sand, which ensures solid sowing.

    Siderates, sown in early spring, have time to gain sufficient green mass in a few weeks.

    The grass is recommended to scam or cut off with a sickle 7-14 days before the planned main seating. Close up green fertilizers in the ground.

    It is important to single out the grasses of herbs recommended for sowing in the spring season. Pay attention to the features and purpose of each species of green fertilizers.

    The grass is appreciated for unpretentiousness. It can be grown on depleted, as well as acidic soils. Seeds are buried by 2-3 cm. The seeding rate on average varies in the range of 6-10 g / m2.

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    Spring Sowing Sideratov - what herbs should be chosen for the greenhouse and the neck

    Buckwheat (photo with eunis.eea.europa.eu)


    • Replenishment of potassium and phosphorus deficiency;
    • The slowdown in the growth of weeds, especially malicious dusty.

    It should be borne in mind that buckwheat is sowing in early May before landing late root root root, since it is a thermal-loving culture. Cutting green mass is partially cheese, and the residues mulch the soil.

    This is the most popular species of the Siderats used for spring sowing. Close up of grains to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Their consumption is 1-4 g / m2.

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    Spring Sowing Sideratov - what herbs should be chosen for the greenhouse and the neck

    Mustard (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)


    • high coolness;
    • The ability to develop well in acidic and wetlands;
    • The formation of a lush greenery 1.5-2 months after sowing;
    • Heading grass drift;
    • soil breaking;
    • Scaring the Medveda and other pests.

    Mustard White additionally serves as the prevention of the development of fusariosis, phytoofluorosis.

    This cereal culture has long been used as a Siderate.

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    Spring Sowing Sideratov - what herbs should be chosen for the greenhouse and the neck

    Oats (photo with backwaterbotanics.files.wordpress.com)


    • soil saturation with phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium;
    • Balance, thanks to a powerful root system, even dense clay soil.

    Oats is distinguished by unpretentious. It grows both in the chernozem and depleted sandy. Sowing depth - 3-4 cm. Flow - 10 g / m2.

    This type of seedrates with powerful juicy stems, soaked by numerous foliage, can increasingly be found on the gardens.

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    Spring Sowing Sideratov - what herbs should be chosen for the greenhouse and the neck

    Facelium (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)


    • improving the quality of the soil;
    • protection against weeds, pests;
    • Stop erosion processes in the soil.

    Sowing Facelia in the southern regions spend in February. In areas with cold protracted winter, it is necessary to perform this procedure about in early April. Seeds are plugged by 2-3 cm. The recommended rate is 1.5-2 g / m2.

    Bean cultures are valued for the ability to saturate the soil with nutritional elements, especially nitrogen. A green juicy mass of pea is formed after a month and a half after landing. The sealing depth of the peas is 3-5 cm. The average norm is 20 g / m2.

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    Spring Sowing Sideratov - what herbs should be chosen for the greenhouse and the neck

    Pea (photo is used according to a standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Prefers this type of Siderate well-humidized soils with a neutral acidity rate. In the spring, peas breathe a slight decrease in temperature, but in severe frosts dies.

    For Spring Sowing, this plant is considered the most suitable option. Lupine adapts to various soils, so it can be used to enhance the virgin or abandoned areas.

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    Spring Sowing Sideratov - what herbs should be chosen for the greenhouse and the neck

    Lupine (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Sowing approximately 2 months before the main landing work. The depth of sealing grains - 5-6 cm. Their flow rate is 20-30 g / m2.

    It is advisable in spring on the site allotted under the planting of potato tubers, sow a mixture made up in equal shares from oats, Facelia and mustard white.

    It is important to choose the right green fertilizer when growing tomatoes, which will allow you to get a high-quality and abundant harvest.

    More often use Facelius, Lupine, as well as Oats and mustard. Siderates are cut 2 weeks before disembarking, when the stems rise by 20-30 cm. They must be embedded in the ground.

    Use on the gardens and in greenhouses of green fertilizers is becoming widespread. Thanks to the Siderators, the soil acquires a loose structure, is satiable for the vital activity of cultivated plants with elements. As a result, yield increases.

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