Prohibit and pry


Prohibit and pry 2039_1
Anatoly elected

Misfortune never comes alone. Authoritarianism in internal politics generates insulatingism in foreign policy. Political restrictions naturally lead to the suppression of civil society, which is almost entirely declared by a foreign agent. The monopolism of the state in politics and the transformation of civil society in the colony of the Kremlin establishment ends in the nationalization of the economy and even price regulation.

Total prohibitions of everything turn the lawmaking into such an absurd theater that the old men Ionessko and the Beckett are better and not to rebel from the graves - they will die for the second time.

Invasion to lace panties

I remember, seven years ago, the Deputy Corps burly discussed the possibility of banning lace panties. From the fact that the representatives of the state look at the panties to the look at the panties - one step. And the other day, the deputies were discussing the prohibitions of abortions, propaganda of bisexuality and polyamoria. Honestly, I personally have never come across a propaganda of at least one of the above elements. Is it worth considering the very life of the guilty of such propaganda, as well as fiction - prose and poetry, including classical and antique. (I advise, by the way, the deputies pay attention to such an intolerant phenomenon falling out of the ancient Russian cracks as serial monogamia is the term writer Douglas Copeland, describing a divorce and a new marriage.)

But all this polyamoria under the auspices of a Tolstoy deputy, the descendant of the famous Count, all his life suffering from polyamorous temptations, no comparison is not a comparison with the initiative of the anatoly deputy of the elected, the estate from the military investigators.

Since now a good deputy is a deputy that comes out with initiatives in the field of improving restrictive and repressive lawmaking, sooner or later this should have happened: the people's chosen proposed to introduce criminal liability for fakes on price growth, sowing panic. Fully in line with the last initiatives associated with fakes about the pandemic. And in a trend that logically should lead to a ban on the objective reality given to us in sensations (as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said). For fakes about a pandemic, the state, rather, could punish itself, taking into account the colossal contradictions in the incidence and mortality statistics. And with prices - even more busy story.

"One of the factors of a sharp price jump is the distribution of knowingly false information capable of increasing the cost of the product value or the creation of a deficit" "Well, we will put the comrade Kozlovsky ..."

It should be started with the fact that, as with the propaganda of abortion with the polyiamoria inherent in it, it is difficult to find samples of fakes about price increases. If this or that malicious person reports in social networks, that today it bought sugar at a price, somewhat exceeding the usual, this does not mean the spread of the fake in order to sow panic. I would like to hope that, firstly, the deputy, who worked as an investigator, is familiar with the concepts of direct and indirect intent, and here it is possible to prove intent only using illegal consequences. Secondly, prices - since their liberalized 29 years ago - in different parts of the country and even different outlets are distinguished by a variety, not subject to the study even Rosstat. The Statistical Office uses the methodology that involves checking prices for the same goods in the same places and points.

And a panic suspect, rather, sows in herself, annoying that he now does not have enough on sugar honestly earned, but those who have fallen from the moment "conquering Crimea" by 10.6% of real income.

Which is characteristic, it happened as a result of a policy, which makes the deputy corps: countertoping, state intervention in the economy, "geopolitical tension" as a factor in the fall of the ruble - all this is directly and secured by a consequence of the Crimean campaign.

The fact that the economy in the modern world is internationalized and simply physically cannot be "self-sufficient" (Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs) and entirely imported, it is impossible to cancel a criminal codec or even labor and family. Thanks to this property of a market economy on the tables of Russian citizens, there is food, and in stores - a rich assortment of goods.

Any price regulation leads either to disappearance (deficiency) of a product or to increase prices for neighboring goods, or - after the end of the regulatory period - to the deferred, compensatory price increase.

What is offered by the deputy and supports FAS after leaving Igor Artemyev, is a market distortion and a direct blow to the consumer.

"Criminalizing the fact that it cannot be criminalized in principle. The politicization of behavior is not only a person who allows himself to simply talk out loud, but an ordinary consumer of goods and services. "

The present consumer panic and attractive demand is a consequence of the most alert alertness of the Soviet and post-Soviet person after he survived the numerous manipulations of the state in the financial and economic sphere. What a panic here, if when exchanging money, it was necessary to have time to reach the Sberkassy in a matter of hours, and even on the holiday season on the day off. The average Russian man in the street, whatever economic views, knows exactly what, if the state began to regulate prices, it is necessary to urgently run to the store and buy out this product, because it will be on or its disappearance, or even more large-scale growth Prices. So for this intimate knowledge and will put it for three years?

As Comrade said, Stalin about Tentor Kozlovsky: "Well, we put a friend Kozlovsky, and you will sing for him?" So here: Well, there will be our fellow citizens to live under the threat of landing for the discussion of inflationary indicators and their own inflation expectations, from this that prices will stop growing?

Criminalize and politicize

The deputy elected in a somewhat threatening tonality also spoke about large trading networks. It is important that they are foreign, at least from his point of view, origin. That is, read - agents. But the attack on the network may end not to rebellious networks, but a rebellion of consumers: in the end, 75% of the country's population lives in cities, tens of millions mining food in large Mollah.

Delighted by the deputies a habit of a variety of products, which dreamed of several generations of Soviet people, there will be such a wave of discontent that the delicate protest of urban hipsters will seem intelligent uprising at the Institute of Noble Maiden. And what does the rude invading in the regulation of abortions, we see on the example of Poland, where the ultra-conservative government is in power: to fierce and uncompromising female protests.

Society in Russia and so split and irritated, let's and further split it and annoy, criminalize and politicize?

Any authoritarian authority comes to what Bioflasty becomes (in terms of Michel Foucault) - the body of man also begins to subordinate to himself. There is a battle on him, drives to Rang under the threat of dismissal / deductions, climbs into the consumer basket and panties, regulates reproductive and sexual behavior. As a result, it enters prison, acting in the logic to "supervise and punish", but also to prohibit and pry.

The same Foucault described "Panofitikum" - an ideal prison in which there is a central observation point, from where, remaining invisible, you can monitor everyone. Here in this very paleon - already without quotes - and our power turns, whose policies are reduced to prohibitions and punishments almost already for any television and intimidation of the masses of the masses with non-existent threats. To justify your salary of supervising and punishing.

Michelle Foucault - About Biovilast

What is the new power, biopolytic technology, biofilament, on the way to establish? This refers to the combination of processes, including the proportion of births and deaths, the level of reproduction, population growth, etc. It is these birth processes, mortality, life expectancy in connection with the whole complex of economic and political problems (which I will not talk now) made up in the second half of the XVIII century the first objects of knowledge and the first objects of control from biofolitics. In any case, it is at this moment that statistics of these phenomena begins to act with the advent of the first forms of demography. It becomes common compliance with more or less spontaneous, more or less specific rules, which were effectively applied to the fertility calculation; In short, the fertility control techniques are produced, as they practiced in the XVIII century. A draft fertility policy or, in any case, intervention schemes in global fertility processes appear. But biopolitics decides not just a problem of reproduction. It also adds to the problems of morbidity, but otherwise than it has been so far in the conditions of famous epidemics, the danger of which so cared the political authorities since the beginning of the Middle Ages (these famous epidemics, temporary drams of numerous deaths, death from which there was no salvation). Now, at the end of the 18th century, it is not about the epidemics, but about something else: in general it would be possible to be called endemicia if we consider the form, nature, breadth, the duration of the diseases common among the population. These are diseases, more or less difficult to eradicate, but they are not considered as an epidemic, as the cause of more frequent deaths, and as permanent factors - and so they are interpreted - the reduction of forces, reduce working time, reducing energy, economic costs caused which are both losses in production and the cost of patient care. In short, the disease as the phenomenon of the population: not as death, rudely incitement, is an epidemic, and as always, the death is present, which is being implemented, constantly gnaws it, reduces it and weakens.

Foucault M. Need to defend society: a course of lectures read in college de France in the 1975-1976 academic year. SPb.: Science, 2005

The author's opinion may not coincide with the position of the VTIMES edition.

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