How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink


Creating references is a procedure with which an absolutely every user of the Special Table Processor is facing. Links are used to implement redirects to specific web pages, as well as access in any external sources or documents. In the article, we will consider in detail the process of creating links and find out which manipulations can be carried out with them.

There are 2 main types of links:
  1. References used in different computing formulas, as well as special features.
  2. References used to redirect to specific objects. They are called hyperlinks.

All links (links) are additionally divided into 2 types.

  • Exterior type. Used to redirect to the element located in another document. For example, on another sign or online page.
  • Internal type. Used to redirect to the object located in the same book. They are standardly used in the form of the values ​​of the operator or the auxiliary elements of the formula. Apply to specify specific objects within the document. These links can lead both objects of the same sheet and to the elements of the remaining working sheets of one document.

There are many variations for creating links. The method must be selected, considering what kind of links is needed in the working paper. We will analyze each method in more detail.

The simplest link is to specify the cell addresses in the following form: = B2.

How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_1

The symbol "=" is the main part of the link. After writing this symbol in the line for entering the formula, the tabular processor will start to perceive this value as a link. It is very important to correctly enter the address of the cell so that the program correctly generates information processing. In the considered example, the value "= B2" denotes that in the D3 field in which we entered the link will be directed from the B2 cell.

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How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_3

All this allows for a variety of arithmetic operations in a tabular processor. For example, we write the following formula in the D3 field: = A5 + B2. After entering this formula, press "ENTER". As a result, we obtain the result of the addition of cells B2 and A5.

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How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_5

Another arithmetic operations can be produced in a similar way. In the tabular processor there are 2 main link style:

  1. Standard View - A1.
  2. R1C format The first indicator indicates the number of the line, and the 2nd - the number of the column.

Step-by-step coordinate style changes look like this:

  1. Move to the "File" section.
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_6
  1. Select the "Parameters" element, located in the lower left part of the window.
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_7
  1. The screen displays the window with parameters. We move to a subsection called "Formulas". We find "Working with Formulas" and put a mark near the "Link Style R1C1" element. After carrying out all manipulations, click on "OK".
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There are 2 types of links:

  • Absolute reference to the location of a certain element, regardless of the element with the specified content.
  • Relatives refer to the location of the elements relative to the last cell with the recorded expression.

By default, all added links are considered relative. Consider an example of manipulations with relative references. Step-by-step guide:

  1. We select the cell and enter a link to another cell in it. For example, write: = B1.
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_9
  1. After entering the expression, click "ENTER" to output the final result.
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  1. Move the cursor to the right lower corner of the cell. The pointer will take the shape of a small dark plus. Press the LKM and stretch the expression down.
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_11
  1. The formula was copied to the lower cells.
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_12
  1. We notice that in the lower cells, the entered link has changed to one position with a displacement one step. This result was due to the use of relative reference.
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Now consider an example of manipulations with absolute links. Step-by-step guide:

  1. Using the dollar sign "$" We produce the cell's address fixation before the name of the column and the line number.
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_14
  1. We stretch, as well as the above example, the formula down. We notice that the cells located below remain the same indicators as in the first cell. The absolute link recorded the cell values, and now they do not change when the formula is shifted.
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Everything else, in the tabular processor, you can implement a link to the range of cells. First, the address of the left upper cell is written, and then the lowest right. Between the coordinates is the colon ":". For example, the picture below, the A1 range is highlighted: C6. Reference to this range is: = A1: C6.

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Now consider how to create a reference to other sheets. Here, in addition to the coordinate of the cell, the address of a specific working sheet is additionally indicated. In other words, after the symbol "=", the name of the working sheet is introduced, then the exclamation mark is written, and the address of the required object is added at the end. For example, the link on the C5 cell, located on the work sheet called "List2", is as follows: = List2! C5.

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Step-by-step guide:

  1. We move to the necessary cell, enter the character "=". Close-up LKM on the name of the sheet, which is located at the bottom of the table processor interface.
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  1. We moved to the 2nd sheet of the document. By pressing the LCM, we select the cell that we wish to attribute in the formula.
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  1. After carrying out all manipulations, click on "ENTER". We found themselves on the original work sheet, in which the final figure has already been removed.
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External reference to another book

Consider how to implement an external link to another book. For example, we need to implement the creation of a link to the B5 cell, located on the worksheet of the open book "Links.xlsx".

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Step-by-step guide:

  1. We choose the cell in which we wish to add the formula. We enter the character "=".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_22
  1. Moving in the open book in which the cell is located, the link to which we want to add. Click on the required leaf, and then on the desired cell.
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  1. After carrying out all manipulations, click on "ENTER". We found ourselves on the original work sheet in which the final result has already been launched.
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24. If the document is located, for example, in the general folder of the corporate server, then it can be referred to as follows:25.

The tabular processor allows you to create a link to a named range implemented through the "Name Manager". To do this, simply enter the name of the range in the link itself:


To specify a reference to a named range in an external document, you need to clarify its name, as well as specify the path:


Using the HyperSlob's operator, you can exercise a link to any fragment of the "smart" table or on the entire plate completely. It looks like this:

How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_25

Using the operator DVSSL

To implement various tasks, you can apply a special function of DVSSL. General view of the operator: = DVSSL (link_namechair; A1). We will analyze the operator in more detail on a specific example. Step-by-step guide:

  1. We produce the selection of the necessary cell, and then click on the "Insert function" element, located next to the line for entering formulas.
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_26
  1. The window displays the window called "Function Insert". Select the category "Links and arrays".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_27
  1. Click on the element of the dash. After carrying out all manipulations, click on "OK".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_28
  1. The display shows the window to enter operator arguments. In the line "link_name" I introduce the coordinate of the cell on which we want to refer to. Line "A1" leave blank. After all manipulations, click on the "OK" button.
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  1. Ready! The result displays the result of us.
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Hyperlinks allow not only to "pull out" information from cells, but also to transition to a reference element. Step by step guide to create a hyperlink:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to get into a special window that allows you to create a hyperlink. There are many options for implementing this action. The first - press the PKM on the necessary cell and in the context menu select the element "Link ...". The second - choose the desired cell, move to the "Insert" section and select the "link" element. Third - use the key combination "Ctrl + K".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_31
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_32
  1. The screen displays a window that allows you to adjust the hyperlink. There is a choice of several objects. Let us consider each option in more detail.
How to create a hyperlink in Excel to another document

Step-by-step guide:

  1. We produce the opening window to create a hyperlink.
  2. In the "Tie" line, select the "file, web page" item.
  3. In the "Search B" line, we select a folder in which the file is located to which we plan to make a link.
  4. In the "Text" line, we enter text information, which will be shown instead of reference.
  5. After all manipulations, click on "OK".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_33
36 How to create a hyperlink in Excel on a web page

Step-by-step guide:

  1. We produce the opening window to create a hyperlink.
  2. In the "Tie" row, select the "file, web page" element.
  3. Click on the "Internet" button.
  4. In the "Address" line, drive the address of the online page.
  5. In the "Text" line, we enter text information, which will be shown instead of reference.
  6. After all manipulations, click on "OK".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_34
37 How to create a hyperlink in Excel to a specific area in the current document

Step-by-step guide:

  1. We produce the opening window to create a hyperlink.
  2. In the "Tie" line, select the "file, web page" item.
  3. Click on the "tab ..." and select the work sheet to create a link.
  4. After all manipulations, click on "OK".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_35
38 How to create a hyperlink in Excel to a new workbook

Step-by-step guide:

  1. We produce the opening window to create a hyperlink.
  2. In the "Tie" line, select the "New Document" element.
  3. In the "Text" line, we enter text information, which will be shown instead of reference.
  4. In the "New Document Name" string, enter the name of the new tabular document.
  5. In the "path" line, indicate the location to save the new document.
  6. In the line "When to make editing to a new document", choose the most convenient parameter for yourself.
  7. After all manipulations, click on "OK".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_36
39 How to create a hyperlink in Excel to create email

Step-by-step guide:

  1. We produce the opening window to create a hyperlink.
  2. In the "Tie" row, select the Email element.
  3. In the "Text" line, we enter text information, which will be shown instead of reference.
  4. In the line "El. Mail "Indicate the email of the recipient.
  5. In the "Subject" line, enter the name of the letter
  6. After all manipulations, click on "OK".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_37

How to edit hyperlink in Excel

It often happens that the created hyperlink must be edited. Make it very easy. Step-by-step guide:

  1. We find a cell with a finished hyperlink.
  2. Click on it PKM. The context menu has been revealed, in which you choose the element "Change the hyperlink ...".
  3. In the window that appears, we produce all the necessary adjustments.
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How to format hyperlink in Excel

Standardly, all references in the table processor are displayed as an underlined text of the blue shade. The format can be changed. Step-by-step guide:

  1. We move to the "Home" and choose the element of the "cell styles".
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_39
  1. Click on the inscription "hyperlink" by PKM and click on the "Change" element.
  2. In the displayed window, press the "Format" button.
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  1. In the "Font" and "Fill" sections, you can change formatting.
How to make a link to Excel. Creating links to Excel to another sheet, on another book, hyperlink 20388_41

How to remove the hyperlink in Excel

Step-by-step guide to remove hyperlinks:

  1. Click PCM on the cell, where it is located.
  2. In the discontinuable context menu, select the "Delete hyperlink" item. Ready!
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Using non-standard symbols

There are cases when the operator hyperlink can be combined with the output function of non-standard characters symbol. The procedure implements the replacement of the usual text link to any non-standard sign.46.


We found out that in the table processor Excel there is a huge number of methods that allow you to create a link. Additionally, we got acquainted with how to create a hyperlink leading to various elements. It is worth noting that depending on the selected view of the reference, the procedure for the implementation of the required link changes.

Message How to make a link to Excel. Creating references to Excel to another leaf, on another book, the hyperlink appeared first to information technology.

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