"Bock for a bow, fish for fish." Weekly report from Kirov reservoirs


The past week was frosty, and warming was short-lived and accompanied by strong snowfall. Because of this, a few came to fishing, however, those brands that were not frightened by the weather were boasting an excellent catch. Read more about how the weekend has a fisherman, read in our review.

The first about his catch on Thursday, January 14, said Sergey Shubin. Immediately after work, in the early morning - at around 4 o'clock in the morning - a man, together with a neighbor, went on Vyatka to the Soviet area. When they arrived at the place, it was still dark. Men rushed at different points and "began to wait for a miracle."

"Bock for a bow, fish for fish." Weekly report from Kirov reservoirs

- Slightly dawn - and it started! Bock behind the bow, fish for fish - and so up to 10 am. After the subsided, - Sergey shared. - I sat in 40 minutes, I decided to shift a little. Only equipped in a new place - and the soul rushed to heaven again. The wind today was on the street. I even had Murzli's hands in the tent. The tent is not very convenient to install with so wind. Called at a depth of 5-6 meters with a small pull. Sopa roared purely on the moth and on the leash. On Mermatka, one thing caught everything, for a worm - not one. The second time I went for the cop. - The result is better: Bloke - Candle! There was practically no brake. She brought. The point is closer to the evening, Kleov subsides.

"Bock for a bow, fish for fish." Weekly report from Kirov reservoirs

Rich catch and at Alexander Bolshakova. He fishes on Friday, January 15, on Vyatka in the Novovyatsky district of Kirov. And on Saturday, January 16, Alexey Domnin in the tent caught about a dozen Sopuz.

"Bock for a bow, fish for fish." Weekly report from Kirov reservoirs

Shared his impressions about her fishing Alexander Yeremeyev:

"First, a young weather tested hands and legs (fishing without a tent, because I am actively looking for fish), and the return road, which in the morning passed in 45 minutes, took 2 hours in the darkness of the touch and in the snow to the top of the boot. Secondly, at 9:30, I found a large stream of 150-250 grams, out of 40 holes only in three did not wait for the bow. A very sluggish salt was barely concerned with bait and smoothly pressed, but almost everything is frightened. Everything is as usual - depth, thrust, fabric with a leash, worm, active search.

"Bock for a bow, fish for fish." Weekly report from Kirov reservoirs

Alexander told her catching tactics: Usually he makes 30-50 holes and is delayed for 5-10 minutes. However, some fishermen considered such an incorrect approach.

- Someone is looking for, and someone is waiting in place - to each his own. Personally, I can not sit in one place. Fish in the breakdown was, and not a flock is dense, and it is very sluggish. If I spent on a pair of my holes all day, then the result would not be. And the main thing fishing is personally for me - it is a bow, which makes a general impression and emotions, and not fish in the package.

"Bock for a bow, fish for fish." Weekly report from Kirov reservoirs

Alexander Skyrovakov, together with friends, caught 11 pucks on three. They fished on the river mainly under the shore on the shoals. Vasily Kalinin also boasted his catch - a pike weighing almost 3 kg.

"Bock for a bow, fish for fish." Weekly report from Kirov reservoirs

The schedule of the week was Sergey Shubin, caught 4.3 kg of shops.

"Bock for a bow, fish for fish." Weekly report from Kirov reservoirs

"Bock for a bow, fish for fish." Weekly report from Kirov reservoirs

This week is also expected frost. So, in Kirov at night it turns to -27 degrees. However, by the weekend, the weather will work out: on Saturday, it is expected to -16 degrees on Saturday, and on Sunday - to -11.

Photo: vk.com/ribalka_v_kirove.

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