SC: Minsk citizens for hitting the security forces threaten to 25 years in prison. Alternative video

SC: Minsk citizens for hitting the security forces threaten to 25 years in prison. Alternative video 20367_1

"On 11 August last year, the 25-year-old Minsk resident took an active part in unauthorized mass events in the territory of Minsk, grew into mass riots," SK reports. - In order to avoid responsibility, he previously removed the number. On ul. Pritutsky, driving BMW, he committed a deliberate hitting on his back of five OVD employees turned to him. " Only Onliner has video situations from other angles.

Information of investigators

"The hitting was performed on the military personnel of the Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were in uniform uniforms and participated in the protection of public order, transfers information from the Investigative Committee of BelTA. - The man disappeared from the scene, threw a car in a reservoir not far from the crime scene (in the park was called. - Note Onliner). In order to create Alibi, I called 102 and stated about the hijacking. Being warned about criminal responsibility for the obviously false denunciation, informative information about the circumstances of the car movement and asked to organize his search. "

In the following videos, common MIA, the moment was recorded on the portable chamber installed on the form of one of the security officials.

"The actions of the accused are qualified by a consequence as participating in mass riots, an attempt to kill the police officers and knowingly false denunas," the investigators considered. - With respect to it, a preventive measure is applied in the form of detention. The criminal case was transferred to the prosecutor to send to court. " Sanction Art. 362 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus for the attempt on the lives of police officers provides for a punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of 10 to 25 years.

Alternative video

ONLINER has turned out to be at the disposal of two more video situations taken by eyewitnesses. On the first noticeable, like white BMW and several dozen other cars were in traffic at the intersection of the streets of Prittsky and Gleb. At some point, the battleship line with shields moves closer to the intersection, BMW is behind it. The sound of the broken glass is heard. Cars are trying to leave, but it turns out not all. Some number of people in the form remains at cars. What exactly they do, it is impossible to consider on this record. The next moment, white BMW is separated from the mass of the car and drives through the crowd of silovikov. Sounds of shots are heard. After a passenger car turns on the street. Glebka towards the park was called. The recording is interrupted after the screams "Leave!" And the sound of the explosion.

We also publish an entry made from a car that has been in the next lane with BMW. In this video, you can consider how BMW without numbers, like many other machines, is in a traffic jam - in the second right of the strip with an alarm enabled. Long cotton. Soon the line of security forces with shields appears. Crys are heard: "From the car we leave! Faster!" Further, it can be seen how the driver and the passenger pull out from the in front of the sedan, laid on the asphalt, one of the people in the form puts on the lying passenger foot. After that, it is noticeable that other security officials are at the White BMW. The driver of this car is rebuilt into the right strip and leaves. BMW disappears from the camera review, only the sounds of shots are heard.

According to the close driver, his actions were dictated by fear and salvation of their own life and health.

If you are an eyewitness of this situation or you have a video from another angle, please contact the editors by mail [email protected] either through our telegram-bot (it is anonymously and fast).

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