AvtoVAZ and UAZ can lose the status of "National Auto industry"


This year, Volzhsky and Ulyanovsk auto plants can begin the transition from the models of their development to foreign, which will eventually become the only ones convergeous from their conveyors.

AvtoVAZ and UAZ can lose the status of

We have already told that AvtoVAZ intends to completely switch to the Renault platform in the near future. So, new cars Lada Granta ruler will have the basis of a well-known "trolley" B0, and all other are the modular platform CMF-B. Own chassis "AvtoVAZ", respectively, will be the past.

AvtoVAZ and UAZ can lose the status of

Approximately the same thing happens in Ulyanovsk. First, a well-known domestic manufacturer of off-road technician turned work on the creation of a UAZ-3170 crossover, and quite recently, the project of a new SUV, known as "Russian Prado", was completely closed.

AvtoVAZ and UAZ can lose the status of

According to unconfirmed information, the Ulyanovsky Automobile Plant plans to engage in a thorough modernization of its already produced SUVs, while transferring them to import "trolley".

AvtoVAZ and UAZ can lose the status of

What kind of platforms will be - not yet reported, but some forecasts have already been made. And these predictions take into account the chippingness, with which China will break on the world car market. Well, given the fact that the auto industry is insecured, unlike Russian, progresses seven-year steps - it is not so bad.

AvtoVAZ and UAZ can lose the status of

AvtoVAZ will also come together with the Romanian company Dacia - a budget division of Renault. Is this good or bad? For example, quas patriots, proud of lubricant boots and stuck cabbage from yesterday, have already begun hysteria on the topic of the lost "national heritage".

AvtoVAZ and UAZ can lose the status of

But is there any reason to grieve? If we suggest, to offer a motorist sent from "grants" to "Logan", change the car in the opposite direction - what will he answer for it? You can be sure that an overly patriotic grief-adviser in this case can hear a lot of new and interesting in your address (and quite deserved).

AvtoVAZ and UAZ can lose the status of

So, there is nothing terrible in such changes. On the contrary, let our cars be better, most of which are somewhat income from hopelessly outdated nodes and aggregates, will be made on well-proven chassis and equipped with modern motors, gearbox and other equipment. From this motorists of Russia will only benefit.

AvtoVAZ and UAZ can lose the status of

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