Will the sanctions with Huavay


This spring will be for two years, as Huawei lives under US sanctions. It is living, but not survivors, because during this time she released a few truly advanced smartphones and launched beta testing Harmony OS. And the fact that sales fell to the indicators of two-three years ago is nothing terrible. In the end, such an outcome was quite expecting, and in the company they were preparing for him. Whether the case is sanctioned. After all, everyone knows that the Americans chose a new president who belongs to the Democrats, which means that it can take a new way to interact with China and take off, finally, sanctions with Huawei.

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The United States is unlikely to remove sanctions with Huawei in the near future

What is wrong with Harmony OS and Huawei Development Strategy

Despite the fact that the United States is now managed by the President-Democrat, there are no grounds for removing sanctions with Huawei and, apparently, not foreseen in the foreseeable future. There are several reasons for it, but they are not obvious. Therefore, we will deal with what is happening and why Biden cannot just take and cancel the restrictive measures introduced in respect of the Chinese company.

Will Biden cancels sanctions against Huawei

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US President is not the person who can take any solutions without agreeing

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the president in the United States is not a king and God, but a manager who controls the whole crop of officials. Yes, Trump formed around him the image of a kind of ruler, capable of improving the decisions they need, but even he could not take them alone.

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The US Department of Commerce responsible for the adoption of Huawei restrictions, although it is subordinate to the president, who is the head of the executive, after all, makes decisions to collegiate. That is, the decision to impose on Chinese companies sanctions was made by a majority vote. Trump, being the head of state, could block it, imposing a veto, but he could not accept him alone, as well as Biden could not cancel the already accepted act. For this, it is necessary that his agency will revise and accepted the opposite decision, which is not so easy.

In general, as practice shows, laws and other sub-commercial acts in the United States (and in other countries, too) are not situationally accepted and cannot then be canceled on a voluntary class. After all, there is no whole government to serve the interests of only the first person who has become unclear what.

The United States decided to introduce sanctions against Huawei is not just like that, and the Sami-Trump is not with what. The company was accused of quite concrete crimes, and for it they punished her. In the end, a surveillance of government ranks from another state is an invalid state unacceptable for one country.

Why the United States imposed sanctions on Huawei

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Huawei sold Honor obviously not against the background of rumors about the cancellation of sanctions

In the US, they may consider softening restrictions. But until nothing indicates. Governor of Rhode Island Gina Raymondo, speaking to the US Senate Committee, on the contrary, stated that the government should be defended from Chinese intervention more aggressively. She stressed that she would prefer to use more powerful forces by sending them to the fight against PRC and affiliated with enterprises like ZTE and Huawei.

In general, the removal of sanctions with Huawei would mean a potential opportunity for the company to return to the US market with their goods, and this is known, not only smartphones. Being a telecommunications company, Huawei very much suffers from ban on the supply of telecommunications equipment to American enterprises and departments that spent several billion dollars to replace it. But, if you remember, Huawei was forbidden to develop 5G networks not only in the United States, but also beyond them, incl. In the UK, which was forced to purchase alternative equipment for their operators.

Huawei showed than Harmony OS is different from Android

Huawei and herself understands that she should not wait for the removal of sanctions. Otherwise, she would not sell the Honor brand and would not consider the possibility of selling flagship lines of branded smartphones. Despite the fact that the leadership Huawei denied these rumors, I fully admit that they are true. First, consider the possibility - does not mean, to sell (after all, companies are considering a variety of development scenarios). And, secondly, to admit it would be more stupid than refutable. After all, it would mean that Huawei completely passed, being forced to literally crawl from the market to hide and reinforce.

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