Archaeologists believe that they found the place of "Donskoye"

Archaeologists believe that they found the place of

No number of spears who broke up for dozens of historians around the problems associated with the Kulikov battle. They broke out both around questions related to its place and role in the history of Russia and on issues related to its move and participants. In recent years, the History of Rus's history has been added to this, which sincerely believe that all official historians lie. Meanwhile, historical science did not stand in place.

The Material "Kulikovskaya Battle: Latest data of archaeologists" was published in the blog "Historical Moraco", which was based on the study of the historian and archaeologist Oleg Dvrechensky (State Historical Museum), specializing in matters of military history in general and Kulikovsky battle in particular. It was under his leadership that the last archaeological expeditions were held on the Kulikov field.


The most commonly quoted (if not to say that the mainstream of the Kulikovsky battle of the majority of the story lovers is considered the famous "Tale of Mamaev Boying", which, as today it is considered, was written in the 30s of the XVI century. And the latest stories generally belong to the XVII - the beginning of the XIX centuries. In total, historians have about 150 battle descriptions. It should be noted that they all replete with the details that the description of the description was made in more detail. For example, among the killed boyars, which in these lists there are more than 500, 70 Ryazan boyars appear, which at that time had to enter the squad of Ryazan Prince Oleg, the opponent of Dmitry Moscow.

Meanwhile, the earliest description of this battle is given in the so-called. "A brief chronicle of the story about the rash in the Don", which was drawn up in Moscow until 1408. It is this source today is considered (with certain tolerances, of course) the most reliable source of information about this battle.


It should be said that the term "Kulikovsky battle" is also far from everything smoothly. It appears only in the XIX century by the efforts of historians of those years and with the "light hand" of the Ryazan landlord and part-time the archaeologist S. Nechayev, who proposed to put a monument to the battle in the villages of my estate, preserving preferably before the other surrounding name of the battle itself, it is under the village of Kulikov ".

And all the same "Brief Tale" does not mention any "Kulikov Field", and therefore O. Tshechensky says quite right, today it should be not talking about the "Kulikovsky battle", but about Donskoy Boy.

A place

Actually, the main source clearly defines the place of the Kulikov battle: the confluence of don and the hardest. As they say, neither take away or add. It remains only to determine exactly what point the troops of Dmitry and Maima agreed. And this point (even two) managed to find.

Relief area

Unfortunately, the archaeological excavations on the Kulikov field, which have become interested in what time, did not indulge the finds, generating and maintaining a new wave of conspiracy theories: single artifacts did not give pictures of a serious battle, even taking into account the small number of battle.

The case has shifted when historians decided to restore the relief of the Kulikov battlefield. It turned out that the famous "pure field", which we are happy to imagine, in the XIV century it was not just not "pure", but had a very difficult relief that did it mostly inaccessible to cavalry of those times - on beams and swamps, and even overgrown trees, do not really reflect.

Studies have shown that on this "pure field" there was only one place on which even small, but still the horses of Dmitry and Maima could come together. Moreover, quite small - 1.5 km on the front and 4 km in depth.

In the photo - reconstructed relief of the XIV century. Source: Page O. Dvarechensky in the social network VK.

Archaeological excavations in this place confirmed the correctness of the new approach. Two accumulations of artifacts were found: one approximately in the middle of the site, where the battle could take place under the conditions of the relief, and the second - in the rear of the troops of Mama, the so-called Khvorostyansky ravine. It is the accumulations of artifacts that allow reconstruct the course of the battle. All material can be found in the source.

Note that in the comments to the material unfolded the controversy.

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